Controlling the Narrative? The snuck premise of “false claims” regarding Trump’s election defeat in 2020 is being used constantly by New Zealand’s mainstream media outlets (who are predominantly pro-Left). Without taking the trouble to do any independent research, one would conclude that Biden’s victory is an irrefutable fact. This may […]


As the Western world continues to swing towards the political Right Wing, many of us are rejoicing a reprieve from the liberal-progressive insanity of the Left. But are we being led into trap? Is the Left-Right divide a charade? David Sorenson thinks so, and a plot to bring forth a […]

The best science fiction manages to predict the future accurately decades or even centuries in advance, which is why you’ve got a HAL-9000 in your pocket right now. It tends to happen naturally, but in the case of Soylent Green, a worldwide cohort of intelligentsia, business leaders, and politicians are […]


Putin and Carlson: The footage is being prepared for broadcast, spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists… RTWed, 07 Feb 2024 © Reuters Dmitry Peskov confirms Tucker Carlson interview Russian President Vladimir Putin met with US journalist Tucker Carlson on Tuesday for an interview, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a daily media briefing […]

This is where the PCR tests and DNA data gathering have been heading. Did you give DNA to one of those genealogy/ancestry outfits that give you a questionable result? This what they wanted your DNA for. Jennifer Zeng exposes the latest from China. Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng This is […]
