I suggest you have a bucket handy while listening to Ardern deliver her vile monologue. Anyone involved in the Freedom/ anti mandate protest movement should be feeling a burning anger at the gall of this woman. The rest of the speech might well have been composed by Klaus Schwab. And […]

Is this explosive alleged RAND document on the “suiciding” of Germany real or a hoax? Read the article, view the PDF in the link and form your own conclusions. MH by David Chu for the Saker blog Well that’s the real question, isn’t it? Why? The how and the who […]

Who needs aborted babies for organ and tissue harvesting when you can just create an unlimited amount of embryonic human life in a petri dish? This is what an Israeli firm called Renewal Bio is reportedly now doing. Ethan huff – Natural News Sept 21, 2022 Piggy-backing off a similar concept […]

For pioneering the first alternatives to the extraterrestrial hypothesis for UFOs, Jacques Vallée has earned a reputation as the grandfather of the “new” ufology, and he’s inspired a generation of ufologists to explore a whole new set of questions about the UFO phenomenon. Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/user?u=3375417 Donate on […]

Flights abroad sell out following Putin’s partial mobilization. Air Live – Sept 21, 2022 Russian airlines have stopped selling tickets to Russian men aged 18 to 65 unless they can provide evidence of approval to travel from the Ministry of Defense. All flights from Russia to available foreign destinations were […]
