Australian politician Chris Minns inadvertently said the quiet part out loud when he admitted that the existence of true “free speech” is incompatible with a multicultural society. Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, Thursday, Mar 20, 2025 The Premier of New South Wales tacitly admitted that in order to […]

 Why has Yulia Timoshenko suddenly re-emerged in Ukraine? By Vitaly Ryumshin, political analyst at ©  Gazeta.Ru / Dasha Zaitseva While international attention remains focused on the high-stakes negotiations involving Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, and Vladimir Zelensky, Ukraine’s internal political theater continues to play out in full force. Though less headline-grabbing than […]

CCP Central Military Commission Vice Chairman He Weidong was taken away on the spot after returning to the building following the end of the “Two Sessions” on March 11! According to exclusive information from former Chinese journalist Zhao Lanjian @uyunistar Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng Currently, his residences in Beijing […]

Brussels should take decisive steps towards denying EU membership to Ukraine and ending the influence of foreign agents linked to billionaire George Soros on the bloc’s policies, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has stated. He has called for the absolute national sovereignty of member states over domestic issues. (Source:; […]

Ukranian Roman Shukhevich and his forces were implicated in the mass murder of Jews and Poles during World War II (Source:; March 8, 2025; Via NexusNewsfeed ©  Lviv Regional Council Ukrainian nationalists gathered this week to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the death of Roman Shukhevich, a Nazi collaborator and […]
