https://www.nznewsuk.co.uk/news/?ID=11856&StartRow=31 GENERAL NEWS: Prime Minister Helen Clark says the New Zealand and Australian governments will be holding discussions about the possibility of establishing an Asia Pacific Community. It is an initiative floated last week by Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who is thinking about a regional structure which could engage […]


By: D. H. Williams The world’s power elite arrived in Chantilly, VA today commencing four days of super secret talks. These meetings are attended by 125 of the most elite persons in the world. Membership includes presidents, prime ministers, royalty, directors of the world banking cartels, top media, military and […]

Source: terrorizethis.org In a sweeping move that has garnered surprisingly little attention this week the United States and the European Union have signed up to a new transatlantic economic partnership that will see regulatory standards “harmonized” and will lay the basis for a merging of the US and EU into […]
