Rebel News’ David Menzies and Tamara Ugolini discuss two Canadian doctors who claim euthanizing hundreds of people has been some of the most “rewarding” work of their careers. | Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. for more great Rebel content. Unlike almost all of our mainstream media competitors, […]

Amazing! Remember the old movie “Convoy”? This is a convoy with a cause! Shame the Groundswell movement distanced itself from the Ant-Mandate and Freedom protests in NZ or we could have seen sights like this. Go Canada! Martin ► | See more of our embedded reports from the Freedom ConvoyRebel […]

You can’t make this stuff up. I’m sure we’ve all heard “Just following orders” before somewhere. Like Nuremberg. In fact, there are an awful lot of folk “just following orders” right now. People and organisations that ought to know better. Martin When Syd Fizzard paid a visit to the Canadian […]

Celebrate every victory and build on it, people! Here’s an encouraging update from Rebel News on the draconian punishment of activist Pastor Artur Pawlowski: ► | Help fund the fight for Pastor Artur’s civil liberties Ezra Levant shares news of a huge legal win: the Alberta Court of Appeal has […]

On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra took a look at Josef Mengele, Karl Brandt and the Nuremberg verdict on the trial of Nazi doctors. The court that tried those horrific Nazis wrote down a code — a series of rules, like the Ten Commandments. It had ten points outlining the medical […]
