A side-splitting but incisive opinion piece by Tucker Carlson on the fear-based reaction of the politicians over the Canadian trucker protests. Brilliant. “When you start making threats like that, you’ve already lost…you are impotent…” Tucker Carlson Fox News8.84M subscribers ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host analyzes Canada’s trucker strike and what our […]

UFO topic is hitting the MSM big time and Tucker Carlson has a very relevant angle: Alien invasion doesn’t necessarily mean extra-terrestrial! Meanwhile Carlson hasn’t considered (and his “former” Intelligence officer guest doesn’t mention) another possibility… Another possibility is that one branch of the US government often doesn’t inform the […]

The establishment gatekeepers of the mainstream media are fronting White supremacists as the scourge of the land. Yet this movement must have gone deep underground because members of this pale-faced clan are incredibly difficult to track down. Robert Bridge – Strategic Review Sept 2, 2019 Following the trajectory of Hurricane […]
