The history of The Sceptered Isle is long, complex, and very interesting. The EU Experiment; particularly from 1972 to 2017, is a blink. The UK evolved as it did by trade. The early warring epochs were expeditions and survival. A British Empire evolved as it would. The front end […]
A 64-year-old man armed with more than 10 rifles rained down gunfire on Las Vegas country music festival on Sunday, slaughtering at least 58 people in the largest mass shooting in U.S. history before killing himself. The barrage from a 32nd-floor window in the Mandalay Bay hotel into a crowd […]
Once upon a time in The West, there were four little Fairy Queens. Nutty: Hillary Clinton. Goody: Marine le Pen. Dumby: Theresa May. Bady: Angela Merkel. They all decided to run for election, believing all the children loved them, and the Big Bad Wolf would protect them. Except for poor […]
by Jon Rappoport September 20, 2017 In a sane society, the Bill of Rights would be studied in great detail, in every school and college. The historical incursions on, and the crimes against, the Bill of Rights would be laid bare and excoriated. “Grand juries” of students would be formed […]
The “Transgenderagender” is synonymous with the Transhuman agenda, and it’s all about taking power away from parents and breaking down the traditional family unit. The following article illustrates one example of the Agenda in action: Source: Life Site News Forty-one families have pulled 73 children from the elite Sacramento-area Rocklin […] Considering the recent earthquake spike (especially the 5.7 mag off the California coast) this “fake” broadcast was bound to cause anxiety.
5.7 quake hits off northern California -USGS Reuters © Bing Sept 22 (Reuters) – A magnitude 5.7 earthquake struck on Friday off the coast of Northern California in the Pacific Ocean, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said, but there were no reports of damage or injury. It was quickly […]
An Economic Lesson for China and Russia Paul Craig Roberts Is there anyone in Trump’s government who is not an imbecile? After years of endless military threats against Russia—remember CIA deputy director Mike Morell saying on TV (Charlie Rose show) that the US should start killing Russians to […]
What is the XB37 Drone Shuttle doing up there? In the face of secrecy, one can only speculate… But please feel free to share your speculations! .Succeeding on a one-shot launch attempt before Hurricane Irma shuts down the Cape Canaveral spaceport, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket thundered into […]
15-years after the attacks on September 11th, the European Scientific Journal, a publication of theEuropean Scientific Institute (ESI), published an article titled “15 Years Later: On the Physics of High-Rise Building Collapses,” in which they analyze the collapse of all three World Trade Center buildings. The results of their findings […]