I understand that the speaker is CIA Insider Kevin Shipp (?) If anyone knows otherwise please let us know. 2 Jul 17 A MUST watch whistleblower! A REAL eye opener (TRUTH) on many topics and issues! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6EVKpN8JHU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6EVKpN8JHU 39:46 This is Why Evidence is NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE – […]
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40471536 US President Donald Trump has defended his use of social media in a series of tweets, following a row over comments he made about two MSNBC TV presenters. “My use of social media is not presidential – it’s modern day presidential,” he tweeted on Saturday. Earlier in the week, […]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrQoX03uYeY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrQoX03uYeY Published on Jun 29, 2017 June 29, 2017: **Millions of acres are at risk it is so incredibly dry** Nationally, 30 large fires have burned nearly 180,000 acres. Twenty new large fires were reported in nine states. More than 8,000 firefighters and support personnel are assigned to wildfires […]
https://www.thestandard.com.hk/section-news.php?id=184457 The US Supreme Court has partially reinstated Donald Trump’s controversial travel ban targeting citizens from six predominantly Muslim countries, prompting the president to claim a victory for national security.The nine justices, who will hear arguments in the case in October, said the ban could now be enforced for […]
What is the New World Order? Multinational Signals Intelligence War leads to the erosion of liberty for the benefit of the military-industrial complex. World War II set in motion the destruction of privacy and the formation of an Orwellian Police State controlled by the National Security Agency (NSA) of […]
by Tyler Durden Jun 26, 2017 4:20 AM Ask any Arizonan whether their summers are more tolerable because “it’s a dry heat” and you’re likely to be asked to turn your oven to 150 degrees, stick your head inside for 20 minutes and report back as to whether or not […]
June 22, 2017 | The US Criminal “Justice System” is Devoid of Justice Paul Craig Roberts In 1992 Fran and Dan Keller were convicted despite the absence of any evidence of raping a 3-year old, a crime that never occurred. Among the absurd charges was the transport of children […]
The aerial sabre-rattling continues: by Tyler Durden Jun 21, 2017 7:08 PM A day after a Russian fighter allegedly flew within 5 feet of a US reconnaissance plane traveling over the Baltic Sea, Reuters reports that a NATO F-16 fighter jet returned the favor when it tried to improperly approach […]
Following the Syria situation covered here: Russia Warns U.S. After Downing of Syrian Warplane From BBC News: A Russian jet flew within 5ft (1.5m) of the wing tip of a US reconnaissance plane over the Baltic Sea on Monday, US officials say. The encounter was deemed “unsafe” due to the […]
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/18/world/middleeast/iran-syria-missile-launch-islamic-state.html?ribbon-ad-idx=5&rref=world/middleeast&module=Ribbon&version=context®ion=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Middle%20East&pgtype=article “WASHINGTON — An American fighter jet shot down a Syrian warplane on Sunday after it dropped bombs near local ground forces supported by the United States, the first time the American military has downed a Syrian aircraft since the start of the civil war in 2011, officials said. The […]