NZHerald 11:03AM Saturday Apr 18, 2009 Cuban president Raul Castro. Photo / AP PORT-OF-SPAIN – Trading their warmest words in a half-century, the United States and Cuba are building momentum toward renewed ties, with President Barack Obama declaring he “seeks a new beginning” – including direct talks – with the […]
by Brett Buchanan on April 3, 2009 If you think your government is run by elected officials, you best think again. Five US banks have been holding a gun to the head of every elected official in the federal government and every US citizen since this credit crisis began. It’s […]
March 01, 2009 a banana republic by 2012? Change for the Worse By Paul Craig Roberts President Obama has presented the most irresponsible budget in US history. His fiscal year 2010 budget projects federal spending of $3.5 trillion and a federal deficit of $1.75 trillion. In other words, 50 percent […]
Military Are Joining The American Resistance To Protect The US Constitution. This is Freedom of Speech at it’s best! As Protected and Guaranteed by The US Constitution. Watch video (7.28 mins) At here:
Here are two YouTube clips of a man in the US in Philadelphia warning people about the FEMA concentrations camps, impending martial law and the eugenics plans – and the good thing is, people are listening to him. [youtube]9RJeibDkQdY&feature=related[/youtube] [youtube]2hoiD6-HYj4&feature=related[/youtube