WEF’s advisor and political scientist Yuval Noah Harari has all but conceded the defeat of the Globalist agenda. But he misrepresents the alternative that Trump is offering the world. Martin Harris 17/1/2024 Trump’s unstoppable rise in popularity coupled with the obvious incompetence of Biden and Harris, signal that the US […]

The battle-lines are being drawn exactly as per the World War Three blueprint. Predicted in board games (see below), religious text interpretations and the testimony of time travellers (!). Russia, China and a Middle Eastern coalition versus a US-led Western coalition (ostensibly assisting/defending Israel and Ukraine/Kazaria). Welcome to the beginning […]

President Biden’s presidency will surely go down as a moral low point in United States history Strategic Review – Dec 8, 2023 U.S. President Joe Biden failed to obtain his Christmas wishlist of $111 billion in additional military funds for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. The so-called “supplementary military aid package” […]

Nearly half a million Israelis have fled the occupied territories since the start of Israel’s brutal aggression on the besieged Gaza Strip early in October, a report says. Press TV – Dec 8, 2023 The Population and Immigration Authority estimated that around 470,000 Israelis have fled since October 7, and […]

While their people languish in poverty and are treated as human shields, the leaders of Hamas live billionaire lifestyles. Many of Hamas’s leaders now reside comfortably in Doha, the capitol of wealthy Qatar Isabel Vincent and Benjamin Weinthal – New York Post Nov 7, 2023 The terror group’s three top […]

China’s Alibaba and Baidu have dropped Israel’s official name from their digital maps available online. The move comes as Chinese internet is getting inundated with antisemitism following Israel-Hamas war. Watch this video for more. And another view on the same topic: Users in China have noticed that the name ‘Israel’ […]

The response to the Gaza crisis from western leaders and media outlets and celebrities shows very clearly that we really are led by the least among us. The least wise. The least intelligent. The least compassionate. The least insightful. We are ruled by sociopaths and morons. Caitlin Johnstone – Caitlin’s Newsletter […]

Evidence is now emerging that up to half the Israelis killed were combatants; that Israeli forces were responsible for some of their own civilian deaths; and that Tel Aviv disseminated false ‘Hamas atrocities’ stories to justify its devastating air assault on Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Robert Inlakesh & Sharmine NarwaniThe […]

The New World Order. One World Government. They are not the same. In fact, they are opposing ideologies. World War Three is here, and it is a battle of Globalism versus The New World Order. Either way, someone profits. Who is that “someone”? by Martin Harris In The beginning… There […]

Netanyahu Actively “Cooperates” with Hamas, the Islamic State and Al Qaeda From Global Research For those who have doubts concerning the criminality and insidious role of Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government:   1. Netanyahu is on Record for Supporting and Financing Hamas Terrorists:   “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment […]
