Things are moving fast, so here’s a selection of news items and information relevant to unfolding events as World War Three gears up. MH Biden to seek congressional support this week for billions in aid to Ukraine, Israel RFE/RLSun, 15 Oct 2023 White House national-security adviser Jake Sullivan said on […]

Belle Carter – Natural News Oct 15, 2023 Financial and geopolitics analyst Martin Armstrong appeared on the recent “Health Ranger Report” to discuss with host Mike Adams how the horrifying Hamas attacks and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine are paving the way for a World War III that […]

Yasmin Porat, a survivor of the bloodshed at Kibbutz Be’eri, near the boundary with Gaza, says many Israeli civilians were killed by Israeli forces. Ali Abuminah and David Sheen – The Electronic Intifada Oct 16, 2023 An Israeli woman who survived the Hamas assault on settlements near the Gaza boundary […]

Palestinians have launched their biggest operation against Israel in years in a surprise offensive that combined fighters crossing the fence into Israeli occupied cities with a heavy barrage of rockets from the Gaza Strip. Press TV – Oct 7, 2023 Videos purportedly showed resistance fighters inside a military base on Saturday, as bodies […]

Update (1835ET): Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned residents of Gaza to “leave now, because we will operate forcefully everywhere.” BY TYLER DURDEN SUNDAY, OCT 08, 2023 – 11:35 AM Continued… “Hamas wants to murder us all. This is an enemy that murders children and mothers in their homes, in their […]

A Kiev-based newspaper quoted an unnamed security official as lamenting Israel with regards it’s attitude to Moscow and lack of “real help” RTSat, 12 Aug 2023 © Sergei SUPINSKY / AFPUkrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (L) and Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu (R) Ukraine is considering taking steps against Israel […]

UFO Disclosure is getting serious now. While I have much more to say on this matter in an upcoming item, this “amnesty bill” is worth highlighting right here and now. Shades of the old MIB scenario! There is something much closer to earth than ET in the focus on “trans-medium […]

Not “Nuclear weapons” in the sense you might think, but deadly nevertheless. Ed’s note: Anyone who remembers Iraq will remember the depleted uranium shells left lying around in their thousands contaminated the ground and the water supply, resulting in long term health effects and birth defects: Slow genocide by default. […]

The West is seriously underestimating the risk of nuclear war, a top Vladimir Putin aide has warned. Namita Singh – The Independent May 27, 2023 Dmitry Medvedev, who is Russia’s security council deputy chairman, alleged the West was “not fully realising” the threat of nuclear war. Russia has repeatedly accused the West of […]
