Nuclear Armageddon is never far away from the news these days is it? Like the early 80s all over again. MH Andrew Osborne – Reuters July 30, 2023 Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who has sometimes raised the spectre of a nuclear conflict over Ukraine, said on Sunday that Moscow […]
World War Three
UFO Disclosure is getting serious now. While I have much more to say on this matter in an upcoming item, this “amnesty bill” is worth highlighting right here and now. Shades of the old MIB scenario! There is something much closer to earth than ET in the focus on “trans-medium […]
Not “Nuclear weapons” in the sense you might think, but deadly nevertheless. Ed’s note: Anyone who remembers Iraq will remember the depleted uranium shells left lying around in their thousands contaminated the ground and the water supply, resulting in long term health effects and birth defects: Slow genocide by default. […]
The West is seriously underestimating the risk of nuclear war, a top Vladimir Putin aide has warned. Namita Singh – The Independent May 27, 2023 Dmitry Medvedev, who is Russia’s security council deputy chairman, alleged the West was “not fully realising” the threat of nuclear war. Russia has repeatedly accused the West of […]
We are getting dangerously close to the “hot phase” of World War III, but most people in the Western world don’t even realize what is going on. via the BFD They simply trust our leaders when they tell us that we will never have to be directly involved in […]
Is the US asleep at the nuclear wheel? As world war looms and America’s opponents build their arsenals it appears the US arsenal is ageing. Personally, I would gladly see every single nuclear device extant disarmed, but we are where we are, and the West is at the mercy of […]
War has never been closer. Well researched and intelligently presented. You may not agree with everything Moon says, but we think he’s in the ballpark. MH Some of the footage in the presentation above may look familiar. Here’s Killing Joke with a prophetic punk anthem from 1981. “The food […]
There is more to this picture than meets the eye. There is a school of thought, being promoted especially in certain western circles, that the Kali Yuga ends in 2025, and that it will culminate in a nuclear war. That was what Ukraine’s derogatory cartoon image was about. Yes, I […]
Looking at current world events, you might want to look up or reconsider the strange case of Al Bielek… Martin Harris 9/3/23 It can hardly have escaped everyone’s attention that the news media have whipped into a frenzy by the (not really surprising) news of China and Russia’s recently unveiled […]
The China Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee has issued a “National Mobilization Order” to switch China from peacetime to Wartime economy. This is now formal preparation to seize Taiwan and fight-off U.S. protection of that island. Audio from a Provincial government meeting in the Province of Guangdong was recorded, making […]