Exclusive: No ice at the North Pole Polar scientists reveal dramatic new evidence of climate change By Steve Connor, Science Editor Friday, 27 June 2008 https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/climate-change/exclusive-no-ice-at-the-north-pole-855406.html But that was because of this, Fire under the ice International expedition discovers gigantic volcanic eruption in the Arctic Ocean https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-06/haog-fut062508.php

UNCENSORED POST: Cancer-causing chemicals, widely accepted and perceived as “normal”, are finally being called into question on a mass scale as one formulation is currently destroying veggie gardens all over the UK. QUESTION : Is this stuff being imported into New Zealand? If not, wonderful. However, what about all the […]

https://www.3news.co.nz/News/Nandorleavesthewayhecameinwithabang/tabid/419/articleID/60986/cat/68/Default.aspx Nandor Tanczos Thu, 26 Jun 2008 8:41p.m. Nandor Tanczos left Parliament today saying he was going away to cleanse his soul and wouldn’t need to know the time any more. So he took out a hammer and pounded his watch to pieces. The Green Party MP came to Parliament […]
