By Sarah Harvey on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 Rob Pope Helicopters, emergency vehicles and terrorism experts will be seen in central Dunedin this week in a counterterrorism exercise designed to prepare for a threat against national security.The exercise, which involves more than 300 people from police, fire, defence and […]


FYI: Peak oil? What peak oil??!?! GEOTIMES is the oil industry/oil geologist industry journal. -Ed. It’s Raining Hydrocarbons In The Gulf By Lisa M. Pinsker Geotimes – Petroleum Geology 3-7-5 Below the Gulf of Mexico, hydrocarbons flow upward through an intricate network of conduits and reservoirs. They start in thin […]


Evidence Of Intelligent Manipulation Of The Sun By Ted Twietmeyer 6-19-8 This is one of those unpleasant discoveries with implications that stagger the imagination. Over the course of three days, a complex repeated variation in solar X-ray measurements and electron output was found. Although complex variations of electrons and X-rays […]

THIS HAS THE RING OF PLAUSIBILITY. MY MONEY IS ON RICE AS SHE WOULD TRUMP OBAMA AND HILARY EVEN IF THEY RAN TOGETHER. – Ed When the Republicans choose their candidate on September 4th, there is a very real chance that they could throw the election into an unexpected chaos […]

1 Why Oil Prices Are So High A Weak Dollar, Bad Fed Policies and Hedge Fund Speculators By Paul Craig Roberts 6-14-8 How to explain the oil price? Why is it so high? Are we running out? Are supplies disrupted, or is the high price a reflection of oil company […]

By Will Dunham Mon Jun 16, 9:21 PM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Comprehensive lifestyle changes including a better diet and more exercise can lead not only to a better physique, but also to swift and dramatic changes at the genetic level, U.S. researchers said on Monday. In a small study, […]
