Melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet: Short Term Event or Long Term Climate Change? Science news has been buzzing lately about imagery from three satellites showing indications of melting snow and ice on Greenland. As we all learn in science classes, Greenland is basically a very large sheet of ice, […]

Millions of dollars are being squandered by New Zealand on intelligence agencies that produce no discernible benefits for this country, says the Anti-Bases Campaign (ABC). The latest Western spy revelation that a Canadian Navy intelligence officer has been spilling top secret material to Russia illustrates yet again the futility of […]


President Obama and Democratic “leadership” expanded policies of President Bush and Republican “leadership” in unlawful wars and looting of literal trillions of the 99%’s wealth to a 1% oligarchy. This is Orwellian-opposite of Obama’s campaign rhetoric for “hope, change,” and accelerated from usual war-business and rigged-casino economics throughout US history. […]
