An interesting arrangement of words, graphs and images put to music [youtube]Ml3IM0esWXM[/youtube]
Day: December 1, 2022
All yours. A forum with an open topic. Post / comment / disclose / inform / whistleblow / educate and edify on any subject of your choosing. But play nice. You are free to disagree and provide critical feedback ~ as long as you keep it respectful. If you wouldn’t say […]
President Fernández uses letter to David Cameron in British press to say Britain should open sovereignty talks over islands In a stinging letter to David Cameron, Fernández urges the UK to abide by a 1960 United Nations resolution urging member states to “end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations”. […]
This is what happened in Australia as a result of the government forced surrender of personal firearms. For the record: Personally, I do not believe in nor support violence in any form. However, I do believe in an individual’s right to defend oneself. – ED. . It has now been 12 […]
It seems that the Make Wars History (MWH) website is no longer available. There is, however, an active Facebook page with regular conversation. [youtube]7pfwpwKvqnU[/youtube]
An analyst tells Press TV that the United States government and its military do not have any plans to stop the killing of Afghan people and leave Afghanistan. [youtube]jvrFsI8c5NE[/youtube]
A political analyst says that the Syrian National Council is an illusion created by the Western imperial powers to allow for the veneer of a political solution where the actual attempt is to destroy the nation of Syria as an independant state. [youtube]0s3KGwU6PC0[/youtube]
[ Nice to see something of a Carlin theme appearing worldwide this January ~ This from RT ] [youtube]mVJ-RYEtAPk[/youtube]
At least 60,000 people have been killed in Syria’s civil war, [ I love how they keep trying to call it a ‘civil war’ – when one ‘side’ is funded and armed by NATO countries ] with monthly casualty figures steadily increasing since the conflict began almost two years ago, […]
Peer-to-Peer Lending and Crowd-Funding Have the Power to Change Finance We don’t need giant banks. Read the rest here