An excerpt from Ric Burns’ 14 hours long New York documentary series Great work. [youtube]ArPcqKf_8oM[/youtube]
Day: December 1, 2022
[youtube]NLokvR5UsQQ[/youtube] [youtube]SfxcxYkPx4E[/youtube] [youtube]oaZRuULCAXM[/youtube] [ … tell him he’s wrong. ]
US and Western Governments are stepping up the arming and funding of Syrian rebels to do the dirty job of ousting President Assad for them. This is still an act of murder by aiding and abetting, by getting someone else to do it for you, and it is cheaper, less messy and […]
A complaint about broadcaster Vincent Browne referring to Israel as the “cancer of foreign affairs” on his late night TV3 show was upheld by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland’s complaints committee. During the programme, Mr Browne said Israel “polarises the Islamic community of the world against the rest of the […]
They convince people to support what demands condemnation. They persuade them to hate alleged enemies. They glorify war in the name of peace. Zero Dark Thirty chronicled the hunt for Osama bin Laden. It’s grotesque, dishonest, and fabricated. It reinvented history. Doing so is shameless and duplicitous. It says more about […]
Israel’s health ministry is to investigate why contraceptive injections were widely given to Ethiopian immigrant women. A new committee will look into allegations that this was done in a deliberate attempt to reduce births in the Ethiopian Israeli community. In December, an Israeli TV documentary produced evidence about the use […]
The interview corroborates some of other eyewitness accounts that accuse the FSA of committing massacres in order to frame the Syrian Army. [youtube]O7GHrJdZY3I[/youtube]
The bible is an evolving document – designed to control other people. It does so – by claiming knowledge of human afterlife. None of the bibles mention America. Because they were all written before people on the eastern side of the Atlantic knew America existed. Israel is ramping up its […]