A political activist says a crushing military defeat of Israel and the truth and honest points of view exposed through the Internet could help free the United States from Zionist control. Read the rest with video here
Month: December 2022
A Documentary about the military industrial complex and how it lobbies for war ~ to boost its profits. The film exposes the big corporations that are in bed with the politicians, who push for war at every turn of geopolitical events. Watch documentary here ( scroll down page for video […]
I know it. You know it. We all know it. It’s the elephant in the room that the subservient cowards in the mainstream media [ … like Fran O’Sullivan, John Armstrong, and Kerre Woodham / McIvor ] are too afraid to mention; the banking industry is run and controlled by […]
Mars Gigapixel Panorama – Curiosity rover: Martian solar days 136-149 in The World Source
[ … and it’s in the least because the main reason it exists is to sell advertising. No – it would seem there are additional & far larger problems involved with your daily dose of you idiot-boxing yourself. ] A film on the dangers of watching television. The effects on […]
While Peace-prize winning President Barack Obama and the Western media lied in concert to the world regarding America’s role in supporting terrorists operating in Syria, it is now revealed that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been shipping weapons to Syria via NATO-member Turkey and Jordan since at least […]
The depleted uranium usage in Iraq left lasting effects on our own troops and on babies born with horrifying deformities in Fallujah and Basra. Is this the legacy of the war, and should people be paying more attention to these awful consequences?