Thursday, 22 May 2014, 5:33 pm Press Release: Ban 1080 — BAN1080 PRESS RELEASE DOC’s Battle for the Birds plans to spread a deadly inhumane poison called 1080 over 700,000 hectares of New Zealand’s wilderness over coming months, in response to a possible heavy beech seeding over most South Island forests, […]
Year: 2023
Editor’s note: The Localising Food Project led by Robina McCurdy needs YOUR help so that it can reach its goal of completing a documentary on local food production. There is a crowd funding appeal set up on FundMe and $7,000 needs to be pledged by 11 pm June 7 . Please […]
The CIA and President Barack Obama are covering up what really happened to missing flight MH370, a top former official said Monday, as families suffered even more after told the plane had been shot down by the United States-led military training exercise participants in the area. “The CIA knows something,” former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. […]
FFNZ are currently fundraising to broadcast advertisements to End fluoridation on TV. If you can help with a donation of any amount please do. New website, New educational TV ads
Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, and Google all are updating their policies to expand notification of users when governments request their data, saying users have a right to know in advance when their information is targeted for government seizure. Source:
Inequality ~ Max Rashbrooke from Scott Ewing on Vimeo.
The 1 percent hollowed out the middle class and our industrial base. And Washington just let it happen I know I’m dating myself by writing this, but I remember the middle class. I grew up in an automaking town in the 1970s, when it was still possible for a high […]
Years after the Fukushima disaster, we are still hearing more information about the damage that was inflicted on the area. Japanese authorities in charge of the remedy have taken a laid back approach to finding a real solution; waiting until several failed attempts to bother asking for international support. Read more:
The French National Assembly has made a sweeping declaration with a new bill, effective immediately. No more genetically modified crops.
It sounds like a bad sci-fi movie or an Orwellian Novel about a government gone mad with power; unfortunately, it could be our very near future: Robocops and drones keeping tabs on everyone.