Thursday, 22 May 2014, 5:33 pm Press Release: Ban 1080 — BAN1080 PRESS RELEASE DOC’s Battle for the Birds plans to spread a deadly inhumane poison called 1080 over 700,000 hectares of New Zealand’s wilderness over coming months, in response to a possible heavy beech seeding over most South Island forests, […]

Editor’s note: The Localising Food Project led by Robina McCurdy needs YOUR help so that it can reach its goal of completing a documentary on local food production.  There is a crowd funding appeal set  up on FundMe and $7,000 needs to be pledged by 11 pm June 7 .  Please […]


The CIA and President Barack Obama are covering up what really happened to missing flight MH370, a top former official said Monday, as families suffered even more after told the plane had been shot down by the United States-led military training exercise participants in the area. “The CIA knows something,” former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. […]


The 1 percent hollowed out the middle class and our industrial base. And Washington just let it happen I know I’m dating myself by writing this, but I remember the middle class. I grew up in an automaking town in the 1970s, when it was still possible for a high […]

Years after the Fukushima disaster, we are still hearing more information about the damage that was inflicted on the area. Japanese authorities in charge of the remedy have taken a laid back approach to finding a real solution; waiting until several failed attempts to bother asking for international support. Read more:

It sounds like a bad sci-fi movie or an Orwellian Novel about a government gone mad with power; unfortunately, it could be our very near future: Robocops and drones keeping tabs on everyone.
