Pike River Re-Entry: Is The Government Lying?

A newly seated government stalling on election promises? Hardly news really, is it? The butt of political jokes for decades.

But it’s not so funny when lost lives and family closure and justice are involved, as is the case with the Pike River tragedy. A promise of re-entry to the mine to find answers and bring back those trapped men was a big voting carrot to dangle before the masses, and Peters and Ardern appear to moving forwards, but media reaction seems somewhat mixed. Are they backpedalling,? stalling? Doing things by the safety book? The symbolic gesture of handing the gate keys to the families concerned is a positive start, but there are grounds for suspicion that the new Labour government may not follow through.

I received today the following item from “Jack”, and he makes his own opinion quite clear. Whether his prediction turns out to be correct I guess only time will tell.

Is Jack right or is he being too pre-emptive? Read the letter and let us know what you think.

MartinPike River re-entry




Everyone. Do watch this remarkable video on this news report on TVNZ tonight and note the body-language of PM Jacinca Ardern and Andrew Little!!!!!! (They are lying, and know it, and have NO intention of ever carrying our their claims to approve a Pike River Mine Re-Entry!

Let me be quite frank. After the corrupt media has censored Dr Jacob Cohen’s amazing book from the NZ public, and the even more corrupt National Party led by PM John Key has spent tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars covering up the deliberate murder of the 29 miners at Pike River, now, after 7 years of lies and endless coverup, we now have an even more spurious gang of low-life liars in the form of this new Labour Party – NZ First Party Coalition, Jacinda Ardern and Andrew Little – now in the process of committing another $23 million to set up a “PIKE RIVER RECOVERY AGENCY” [supposedly] towards achieving the goal for a manned re-entry to inspect the crime scene in the mine (to fulfil a key part of the Labour-NZ First Coalition Agreement) to make a decision by MARCH 2019!!!! March 2019???? – WHEN THE REAL TRUTH IS THESE DESPICABLE LIARS FROM HELL HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO INTENTION OF EVER AGREEING TO A MANNED RE-ENTRY INTO THE MINE WHATSOEVER!

So to recap:

1) To understand why the 29 Pike River Miners were murdered, read Dr Jacob Cohen’s book, Murder at Pike River Mine – Second Edition – it can be downloaded online!
2) Other reports, of many, on the Internet that haven’t as yet been censored, are here: https://uncensored.co.nz/2016/12/08/pike-river-greatest-disgrace/
3) The John Key Holocaust Rolls On – Covering up the Murder of 29 Men at Pike River: http://mediawhores.co.nz/2016/12/03/the-john-key-holocaust-roles-on-covering-up-the-murder-of-29-men-at-pike-river/
4) Her Majesty’s Royal Commission in collusion with the NZ Government has EMBARGOED all of the most critical evidence for 75 years, so that the families or anyone else can’t file charges against the government, the bankers, shareholders or executives of Pike River Coal Limited. As the result, not a single person or organisation has yet been charged for this heinous crime. ( In case you are not aware. When Pike CEO Peter Whittal was charged by the Labour Department (a pretence, as the Government had no real intention to prosecute him) at a pre-trial hearing all his lawyers did was advise the judge that as their client could not defend himself because all the evidence had been Embargoed – the trial could not proceed – and it didn’t!). So yes. The Royal Commission of Inquiry was a jack-up as well!

So they now have to spend yet another $23 million to set up an agency to decide if it is safe to have a manned re-enty into the mine, when the Families’ experts have already previously told them it is safe. Pike River Mine is NO DIFFERENT to any other coal mine. A rescue team or investigation team could go into the mine SAFELY tomorrow and they don’t need 16 months to make a simple decision like this.

Here is a short YouTube clip produced by the Ontario Mine Rescue service.


Note they are wearing oxygen re-breathers which usually last 10 hours or more depending on the type and brand!!!!!!! It takes about just 20-minutes to walk the full 2.3 km (1.4 miles) into the Pike River Mine. The Ontario Mine Rescue Team goes into coal mines like this all of the time safely. Yet, these New Zealand lying politicians and corporate criminals are still claiming they will re-enter the mine “only if they can do it safely.”

The real truth is they don’t want to ever go into that mine because they know there is enough evidence there to put dozens of people behind bars for life!

In the United States earlier in 2010, 29 coal miners were killed at the Upper Big Branch Coal Mine in a explosion very similar to Pike. The coal company was long ago prosecuted and fined tens of millions of dollars and the CEO Don Blankeinchip was prosecuted and sent to prison. Yet here in New Zealand, the public put up with being blatantly lied to like this all of the time, put up with overtly corrupt businessmen and politicians, corrupt police and judiciary all involved with the Pike River Mine cover-up – and not one single person has even been prosecuted or even had a slap on the hand over the event.
Could we as a nation now be much more corrupt than even the Americans? I think so – and that’s saying something because the Americans take some beating!!!


In conclusion. Remember my profound words. When March 2019 arrives, listen to these mongrel political liars [using crocodile tears too I expect] with solemn faces declare, “Unfortunately dear families, we sincerely have tried our best. We have spent over $23 million dollars and countless hours researching the risks, searching our hearts and consciences, but in all good faith, we can only now accept the final recommendations and conclusions of the PIKE RIVER RECOVERY AGENCY are correct. The dangers in the mine now are just too extreme, and unfortunately we consider it is too unsafe to enter the mine and we cannot put others lives at risk. Accordingly, with the deepest of regret, we must therefore decline any approval for a manned re-entry into the mine. ”

This, dear, friends, is why I don’t vote!



PIKE RIVER: The Greatest Disgrace

Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of theCONTrail.com community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

2 thoughts on “Pike River Re-Entry: Is The Government Lying?

  1. Its like that old 80s cartoon: vote labour = turn left: vote National: = turn right.
    Oh, by the way, both left and right lead to the same place: = the slaughterhouse.
    Yup, the miracle of democracy and freedom to choose is alive and kicking.
    Do you want the rotten orange or the rotten apple? Duh.

    1. I agree Kat. Choose Blue or Red, either way Purple (the NWO colour of choice) wins, ultimately. However, we DO still have the ability to make our voices heard, NWO or no NWO. It’s once we sit back and do and say nothing that the Global World Order arrives with the impression that silence equals acceptance/approval.
      Knowledge and communication are our most powerful tools: The pen (or the computer!) is mightier than the sword.

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