Here comes the start of Social Credit: Facial Recognition and demerit points.

- Facial recognition technology to begin to used for online Government services
- Users will need to upload a photo to access MyGov and Centrelink benefits
- Some have questioned whether technology could be open to fraud and misuse
- Centrelink will also bring in demerit points for job seekers starting from Monday
PUBLISHED: 12:18 AEST, 2 July 2018 | UPDATED: 22:04 AEST, 2 July 2018
Centrelink will use facial recognition technology and enforce a demerit point system for job seekers seeking to receive welfare payments in a drastic new crackdown on benefits fraud.
Welfare recipients will need to snap a picture of themselves by using a computer or phone camera and upload the photo online to use the MyGov website.
This means anyone collecting benefits, such as the age pension, disability pension, and parental leave payments will need to upload pictures of themselves to the government.
Facial recognition will soon be required to access government services with the adoption of the technology set to be rolled out over the next year.
Martin Harris
I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand.
I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes.
I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events.
Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads.
At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.
Wed Jul 4 , 2018
(Natural News) President Trump is draining the “medical swamp.” The U.S. health care system is plagued by rampant fraud, abuse and profiteering carried out by dishonest doctors and pharmacists. In working to combat the rampant fraud, the DOJ has announced an unprecedented crackdown on medical fraud, charging over 600 people […]