An article doing the rounds at the moment claims that “Fact Check” site Snopes has introduced an ominous new label:

I was first alerted to this item when it appeared SOTT last week, and my suspicions deepened when it quickly disappeared again. A quick search has revealed the source of this item to be a self-described:
“Trusted Source For Christian News Satire.” (see link above).
Hmm. Can’t really accuse an admitted satire site of “Fake News”, but others without scruples can take an article like this and reproduce it minus the “satire” disclaimer. Take heed.
And this is why Uncensored takes the time to fact check…even fact-checking the fact-checkers! (And yes, I’d take Snopes’ real claims and judgements with a degree of suspicion too: Never rely on a single source when researching would be my advice)
Anyway, the reader might get a laugh or two out of The Babylon Bee so take a look at the articles; just don’t be tempted to take it seriously!
Martin Harris