Remember that grim scene from The Matrix, where the “dead battery” humans are liquefied and fed back to the living? In certain US States the “liquid funeral” has been in place for a while, but now it is creeping in to locations around the world. And that includes here in NZ.
Of course, OF COURSE, this is being promoted as “environmentally friendly”. Yup, even in death YOU can help combat Climate Change (and you all know what this author thinks about that agenda!). But is it really so environmentally friendly? Surely, nature decrees that our mortal remains go back to the earth to feed the bugs and worms and put nutrients back into the soil. The Great Circle of Life. Now you can get flushed away instead. Or perhaps sprayed onto crops: “liquefying the dead to feed the living”.
Liquefied human remains to be dumped on food crops as “biosludge”
A new “recycling” technology called “bio-cremation” liquefies the dead, then dumps their liquid remains into city sewers where solid and liquid waste are collected as “biosludge” to be dumped on food crops. Those crops, in turn, are fed back to humans as part of the mainstream food supply.
In a shocking true story that’s part The Matrixand part Soylent Green, a company based in Smith Falls, Ontario has devised a “bio-cremation” system that it calls an “eco-friendly alternative to flame-based cremation or casket burials,” reports Canada’s CBC News. The company is called Hilton’s Aquagreen Dispositions and touts its approach to dissolving dead bodies as “eco-friendly alkaline hydrolysis.

The thought occurs to me that one could combine this disposal technique with the suicide chambers featured in a previous article to make someone vanish without a trace. The old claim “we can make you disappear” becomes very literal. Rather disturbingly and seriously, one could contemplate the ultimate fate of thousands of “missing persons”, many of them children,who are never found either alive or dead.
And on the theme of liquefied corpses, here’s some gruesomeness to round things off:
Dead Bodies Can Liquify And Become Gushing Waterfalls Of ‘Corpse Liquor’

Martin Harris