Khaled Mustafa and his family came to Christchurch only a few months back after fleeing from the nightmare of Syria. He and his oldest son Hama lost their lives while in prayer. His younger son Zaid survives but is in hospital, and his devastated wife and daughter have lost a father, a husband, a son, a brother.
They came to New Zealand to live. Instead their lives were cut short.
Khaled Mustafa
If the reader came here for gruesome details, publicity for the killer, or any other base and senseless sensationalism, we are happy to disappoint.
Instead, here is a list of our fellow human beings who lost their lives. They were praying, they were unarmed and unaware, and someone walked into their place of worship and opened fire on them.
Zulfirman Syah and son Averroes
Abdullahi Dirie, 4
12-year-old boy (as yet un-named)
Sayyad Milne, 14
Khaled Mustafa and son Hamza, 16
Naeem Rashid & son Talha, 21
(Naeem attempted to wrest the gun from the shooter: He looked death in the face and showed no fear)
Ansi Karippakulam Alibava, 25
Vora Ramiz, 28
Farhaj Ahsan, 30
Mojammel Hoq, 30
Atta Elayyan, 33
Syed Jahandad Ali, 34
Hussain Al-Umari, 36
Osama Adnan, 37
Kamel Darwish, 39
Haroon Mahmood, 40
Husne Ara Parvin, 42
Mohammad Imran Kahn, 47
Amjad Hamid, 57
Abdelfattah Qasem, 59
Linda Armstrong, 65
Ali Elmadani, 66
Haji-Daoud Nabi, 71
Lilik Abdul Hamid
Ashraf Ali
More details of the people who lost their lives can be found HERE
See also:
Christchurch mosque shootings: Teochew Chinese delegates pledge $1.2 million
Readers will be accustomed to the author painting a grim picture of China, but this demonstrates there is good everywhere, and it often takes a tragedy to bring out the best in people, regardless of their culture.
“This is an extraordinarily generous offer to the people of Christchurch and the Muslim community from a small community in New Zealand and the international delegates at their conference,” Goff said.
“This is on top of the amazing generosity we have seen from Kiwis all over New Zealand to support the victims of this horrible attack.”
Phil Goff
Martin Harris 17/3/19