Yup, vaccination is top of the MSM news again. But it’s just the tip of the iceberg. The United Nations New World Order is upon us.
by Martin Harris 28/3/19
The scare was on before the horrific terror attack, and with Christchurch still coming to terms with the aftermath, the heat is turned back up. But it’s not just local. On TVNZ news no less than three back-to-back items focusing on measles and the MMR vaccine in America, the UK, and of course NZ.
The pressure is clearly on the Anti-Vaccination movement, with unvaccinated children banned from public places and another internet witch hunt on the way.
GoFundMe bans anti-vaxxers in fight against vaccine ‘misinformation’
Prepare for a Social Media wide clamp-down on Anti-Vacc material. On top of the massive post-Mosque shooting online censorship operation, we are clearly witnessing the pre-2030 “housecleaning” in full swing.

Hate Speech and bigotry is (quite rightly) out, but will Free speech go with it? Where do we draw the line?
And speaking of the day of the Mosque terror attack, I’ll bet few saw THIS on the same day, as it was eclipsed by events: Ardern calling for cash for the 2030 Agenda Light Rail project. She may have been denied it before, but I’ll bet she gets it now!

Jacinda Ardern breaks the first promise she made as Labour leader
Meanwhile, the Brexit plan (unplan?) is falling to pieces rapidly, and on the US political scene, Trump is grinning like a Cheshire Cat with a Democratic Dormouse squirming beneath it’s paw. Wouldn’t you love to know what the letters said at GHW’s funeral now?
Trump calls Schiff a ‘disgrace’ for pushing collusion agenda, says Dem may have broken law
A time of major change is upon us, things are accelerating, and it’s all converging on “the inception of a New World Order”. A New World Order that former Special Envoy to China and POTUS, GHW Bush told us, in 1991, in no uncertain terms, will come. And soon.