You’ve all seen the dramatic images on mainstream media. The magnificent and world famous Notre Dame cathedral disintegrating in a hellish inferno. For this author, it all echoes of the destruction by earthquake of so many churches here in Christchurch, especially the iconic Anglican Cathedral.
By Martin Harris 16/4/19

Was the burning of Notre Dame an accident?
Firstly, this catastrophe happened after 10 days of Satanic attacks on Christian churches in France. Secondly, the fire seems to have fortuitously happened when none of the thirty thousand or so tourists per-day were present. I could throw in a few other factors: The closeness to Easter for instance. Or even the general timing in relation to the 2030 Agenda buildup. And bearing in mind the UN is tied in with The Lucis Trust. Lucis referring to Lucifer; Satan.
Sometimes it’s a cross of human excrement smeared on a church wall, with stolen Communion hosts stuck at the four corners. Other times, a statue of the Virgin Mary lies shattered on the floor. Now and then, a fire breaks out in a house of prayer. Roman Catholic churches have increasingly come under attack in France, a country so long identified with Christianity that it used to be called “the eldest daughter of the church.”A recent fire at St. Sulpice, the second-largest church in Paris, has shed light on a trend that has become commonplace in many smaller towns. “Who has heard of the sacking of the monastery of Saint Jean des Balmes in Aveyron? Of those teenagers who urinated into the holy water font of the church at Villeneuve de Berg in Ardèche?” the Paris daily Le Figaro asked last week in an article highlighting some of the lesser-known profanations around the country this month. Incidents such as these get a brief mention in the press, complete with quotes from Catholics shocked at the sight of scattered hosts or beheaded statues, and sometimes a short video clip on national television. But apart from official denunciations of individual attacks, Catholic leaders in France have refrained from dramatizing what they say is a worrying trend. The sharpest reactions have come from conservative politicians, including two National Assembly members who have called for a parliamentary inquiry into “the multiplication of anti-Christian acts.” “The images of flames in Saint Sulpice church this weekend are one more example of the violence committed against Catholics,” Philippe Gosselin and Annie Genevard said, referring to the blaze in an edifice known to moviegoers around the world as the church in the film version of Dan Brown’s “The Da Vinci Code.”

One wonders if, despite promises from the authorities that the famous cathedral will be rebuilt, the aftermath will drag on for years? Will Notre Dame be the next Christchurch Cathedral? Will there be battles over the “restore or rebuild” issue? Will, as with Christchurch, we see celebrities and dignitaries drawn in to promote the UN Global religion agenda and suggest that the former cathedral become an “Interfaith Hub”; a veritable NWO temple?

Did the animated movie “I, Pet Goat: 2” predict this event 7 years ago? Judge for yourself!
Jon X Army Streamed live on Apr 15, 2019 Subscribe 30K I, pet goat II predicted the Notre-Dame Cathedral In Paris collapsing!