YouTube has removed a video which details how Pinterest actively suppressed conservative viewpoints on its website, sparking accusations that the Silicon Valley tech giants are working in concert to silence speech they don’t like. RTThu, 13 Jun 2019 17:21 UTC YouTube has removed a video which details how Pinterest actively […]
Day: December 1, 2022
The vast majority of Americans have no idea of Big Tech’s massive drive to make digital slaves out of every urban dweller. Smart street lights will often be at the heart of data collection and coordination. ⁃ TN Editor Posted By: Laura Valkovic June 9, 2019 Such a benign and […]
Powerful and condemning. Newsroom’s Melanie Reid was on the scene to witness the underhanded behavior, the lies, the deception and the heartbreaking mistreatment of mother and baby. Horrifying to think this takes place in modern day NZ. Thankfully, this documentary and it’s follow ups (which have been shared on Social […]