Heaven help us all if Socialist politics win the day…
Fox news reports on the mayhem!

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) National Convention in Georgia this weekend came to a screeching halt when one delegate formally complained of “sensory overload” from “guys” whispering in the room — prompting another “comrade” to grab the microphone to angrily demand an immediate end to the use of “gendered language.”
The back-to-back moments of impassioned hypersensitivity at the gathering of the largest socialist organization in the United States led to bipartisan mockery from commentators, who compared the scene to something out of the sitcom “The Office” or the sketch comedy group Monty Python.
“Uh, quick point of personal privilege, um guys,” began one delegate, who identified himself as James Jackson from Sacramento, and specified that he uses the “he/him” personal pronouns.
As soon as Jackson said the word “guys,” an individual in the audience could be seen becoming visibly irate in a livestream video of the convention posted online.
“I just want to say, can we please keep the chatter to the minimum? I’m one of the people who’s very, very prone to sensory overload,” Jackson said. Several other delegates could be seen waving “Jazz hands” in the air, instead of applauding, as he spoke. (Jazz hands are considered less “triggering” to those sensitive to loud sounds.)…READ MORE

Rational people are (finally) waking up to the inconsistencies of intersectional feminism and transgenderism.
This interview of “world’s strongest woman”, Zuby by Sargon of Akkad is right on topic:
Thanks. Good old Bitchute, one of the last platforms holding out from the censorship lunacy!