“Trumped up” charges and desperate law-bending to attempt impeachment indicate a desperate attack on the POTUS. How did it come to this point? Here’s the full time line of events.
By Martin Harris 30/9/19 NZ time
The shock victory:
Defeating Democrat candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, Donald J. Trump wins the U.S. presidential election on November 8, 2016 and becomes the President-elect. Trump and his running mate, Mike Pence, are formally elected by the Electoral College on December 19, 2016.
The presidency of Donald Trump begins at noon EST on January 20, 2017.

Right from the start, Trump’s presidency is noted by his tactic of bypassing the usual Mainstream Media channels (which Trump has called “fake news”) and using Social Media to control and direct (and some would say misdirect) the flow of news reports.
It is also claimed, right from the start, by Trump’s Democrat opposition, that Trump has colluded with Russia to sway and subvert the democratic process in the 2016 elections. A claim that despite persistent investigation, has essentially come to naught.

Despite the Democrats throwing all obstacles in his path, Trump has kept the US economy in good shape and delivered on a commendable number of election promises. All the while avoiding the military force defined by his predecessors (for instance, his handling of the North Korean threat).

Trump’s real conflict is not with foreign opponents or even specifically Democrats, but with the American political Elite families and associates. He promised to “drain the swamp” and his apparent capriciousness in hiring and firing (most recently John Bolton) indicate that he is doing exactly that.
Intriguingly, it was during the funeral service of Elite family patriarch and “New World Order” harbinger George HW Bush, on December 3rd 2018, that Trump’s opponents received a note or letter of some sort which caused apparent shock and disbelief. While no one knows what the content was or who authored the notes, it would be reasonable to speculate that Trump was giving notice of some revelation or message of intent.
Bush Funeral Service Foreshadows A Series of Radical Events:
“By any standard what just went down during the Bush funeral is so HUGE it’s incomprehensible. First, the National Cathedral was in total lockdown with so many VIPs in attendance of the biggest funeral since Ronald Reagan’s. That means that no one got in or out unless given the green light by the Secret Service.
How, then, was the entire venue cased out so well in advance that videographers were in the perfect position to capture the extraordinary events that took place? This alone tells you that a massive set-up was, and still is, in the works. Not sure it gets any more serious than this. What is soon to follow “the envelope affair” will surely be the most incendiary series of events of the Third Millennium.” — Intelligence Analyst and Former U.S. Military Officer

At last count, at least 5 VIP families received the “special note” at the D.C. memorial service for George H.W. Bush.
That would be the Bush family (George W., Laura and Jeb), the Clintons (Hillary and Bill), the Obamas (Michelle and Barack), the Bidens (Joe and Jill) and the Pences (Mike and Karen). SOURCE
What could these “radical events” be?
On July 6th 2019, Elite insider Jeffrey Epstein is arrested at a New Jersey airport.
Amidst long standing rumors and claims of organized elite pedophilia, Epstein had been a central figure. An enigmatic character, Epstein had first come under serious investigation in 2005. However, while the FBI had a 53-page indictment ready in 2007 that would have likely put Epstein behind bars for life, instead, he was punished with just 13 months in a comfy county jail, thanks to a deal signed by then U.S. attorney for Miami, Alexander Acosta. The deal essentially concealed Epstein’s crimes and the number and identity of people involved.
In December 2018, Epstein dodges another bullet, reaching a lawsuit settlement in Florida. Note that this is right at the pivotal time of GHWB’s funeral. Within the month, a federal judge rules that the prosecutors violated the Crime Victims’ Rights Act.
Feb. 6, 2019 – Reuters reports that the U.S. Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility is investigating whether U.S. attorneys committed professional misconduct in the Epstein case. After a subsequent flood of alleged victims coming forwards, Epstein is subsequently arrested and on July 24 2019, having been denied bail, Epstein is found “semiconscious with marks on his neck” in his cell. It remains unclear whether he was injured by someone else, or this was an attempted suicide.
Despite being allegedly placed on Suicide Watch, on August 10, 2019, Epstein is found unresponsive in his cell, and pronounced dead. The circumstances surrounding this “suicide” are suspicious to say the least. If Epstein had taken The Stand, some powerful figures would likely have been put under the legal microscope. Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew are the most highly publicized of Epstein’s inner circle (Clinton in particular having flown numerous times aboard the infamous “Lolita Express”. It is likely, however, that these two names are just the tip of the iceberg.
Epstein and Trump
A concerted effort has been made (mainly by Mainstream Media) to implicate the current president in Epstein’s inner circle, to the point of pushing the association ahead of that of other celebrities. The fact is, that Trump and Epstein had a falling out some years back after Trump booted Epstein out of Mar-a-Largo for bringing under-age girls to the club. Indeed, Trump is quoted as noting Epstein’s love of females “on the younger side”. Previously, Trump had flown once only on the Lolita Express. Apparently it wasn’t his cup o’tea. Clinton, in contrast, was a frequent flyer (26 times). All footage and images of Trump with Epstein are either old or photoshopped fakes.
Once again, it seems Trump had been ahead of his opponents by a long way:

With the Epstein out of the way, Trump strikes while the iron is hot.
25 September 2019: Trump delivers a bold speech to the United Nations 73rd Session aimed directly at rejection of the Globalist New World Order.

Simultaneously, Speaker Nancy Pelosi strikes back. After sitting for months, the Dems push forwards with a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump’s corruption accusations against a prime opponent in the forthcoming 2020 elections; Joe Biden. The same Biden who’s shocked reaction to receiving a Bush funeral note is depicted above. The same Biden who is frequently pictured groping young women and children.
The impeachment investigation plot has it’s roots in May 2014, when Hunter Biden took a board seat on Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings. At the time his father Joe was the Vice President. Trouble is, Biden Snr. was combatting corruption in Ukraine, and Burisma was linked to ousted President Yanukovych, subsequently with “mass killing of civilians”, who exiled himself to Crimea amid threats of civil war. Can you see a conflict of interests here?

Fast forward to 9 September 2019. The intelligence community inspector general informs the House and Senate Intelligence Committees of the existence of a whistle-blower complaint. The whistleblower remains anonymous.
The complaint centers around a phone call made by Trump to Ukrainian President-Elect Volodymyr Zelensky, ostensibly a congratulatory call. Trump also asked for Zelensky’s co-operation in an investigation into corruption involving the Bidens. This was April 21 2019.

On April 25, Trump says on Fox News that he wants the Attorney General to review information gathered by Ukrainian prosecutors about what network host Sean Hannity suggests was Ukrainian “collusion” with Democrats in 2016. A total “turning of the tables” on the Dems claim of Trump’s Russian collusion. On May 10, Trump repeats what he said to Fox on Politico, adding that he intends speak to personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, about his trip to Ukraine. A trip Guiliani cancels a few hours later. Guiliani had been planning to fly to Kiev to investigate the Biden corruption situation.
In July 2019, Trump instructs his chief of staff to hold back almost $400 million in aid to Ukraine. On 25 July, Trump calls Zelensky and asks for assistance (again) into investigating corruption claims surrounding the Bidens. According to the anonymous whistleblower, the transcript is hidden in a “secure”electronic channel due to it’s sensitive nature.
…Which brings us back to 9 September and the previously mentioned whistleblower complaint.

September 11, 2019, Trump releases the Military assistance aid he had been withholding. On 22 September Trump openly acknowledges that he had discussed corruption allegations regarding the Bidens with the Ukranian leader (thus negating any need for transcript secrecy!).
And so we come full circle to September 24 and Pelosi’s announcement of an impeachment investigation against Trump. On 25 September the DOJ released the transcript of the Trump ‘phone call for all to see. (again, where is all the alleged secrecy?).
The only “secrecy” in any of this is the identity of the whistleblower.
To make matters even more interesting, Biden’s shady business dealings now extend to China:
Scrutiny of business deals by former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s son Hunter now includes his joint venture with a Chinese government entity to buy a U.S. automotive technology company with potential military applications.
The ease with which the 2015 transaction was approved by the Obama administration alarmed Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, who is looking into whether the Obama-Biden White House intervened in the process.
Not Just Ukraine; Biden May Have A Serious China Problem As Schweizer Exposes Hunter’s $1bn Deal

So, what happens next?
Clearly, this is no more nor less than a desperate last-ditch attack on President Trump,and a diversion from elite/Skull and Bones business deals with both Ukraine and China. Here’s BCP with their analysis of the scenario as it stands today 29 September 2019:
Watch this space!

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