Beware Global Warming! Not because it will consume our planet in fire but rather because it is a Trojan horse concealing a much more real threat, one that will consume our economy, our democracy and our way of life.
By Dave Ball
Ever since Michael Mann’s fantasy “hockey stick” temperature graph was thoroughly discredited and since Climategate outed institutional scale phony climate data a decade ago, the existence of actual global warming has been rendered null. The same is true for the impact of CO2 on climate. No experiment can confirm its impact, models can’t predict its influence and collateral data (sea level, animal populations etc.) do not confirm a correlation.

The conclusion must be that man-made climate change and the need to eliminate carbon emissions to avoid climate change simply do not exist. None of the narrative is based on objective science. It is a massive hoax and maybe the biggest con job in history. All the classic elements of a con job are present; the victim (mostly liberals and other virtue signalers), the play (appeal to environmental issues), the rope (emotional foundation and persuasion – the world is coming to an end), the convincer (the way it will work to your benefit – eliminate carbon and all is well) and so on. The dangled payoff is saving the world. As in all con jobs, the con artist gets what he wants and the mark gets nothing.
Like all cons, this one looks good to the rubes. Who doesn’t want to save the world and breathe clean air? The basic problem, even if the basic mechanism of eliminating CO2 to stop increasing temperatures were real, is that it would not achieve what its adherents think it would. Let’s look at some facts.
What if we could reduce CO2 emissions? The U.S. produces only 15 percent of the carbon emissions in the world. The rest we have no control over. That leaves 85 percent of emissions in place after spending trillions of dollars.
Most, if not all, of the big proposals for reduction of Carbon emissions by reducing CO2 are simply impossible, impractical or ineffective. Eliminating coal fired electrical generating plants in the US is just one example. The cost of shutting down the US coal industry with the attendant loss of jobs and downstream business would be astronomical. What impact would it have globally? Seventy three percent of India’s electricity is generated from coal fired power plants. India has no plans to reduce its production and consumption of coal. Coal India Ltd. will produce 660 million tons of coal next year, increasing to one billion tons by 2022 – 2023.
In other words, if the U.S. destroyed its economy and eliminated all coal fired electricity production, whatever CO2 reduction that might net would be offset by the increase in coal consumption by India alone. The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, the largest civil engineering project in the world, will include 700 new coal fired power stations. When they are all in operation, these plants could consume an incredible 1.8 billion tons of coal a year. So why are the US and the UK risking catastrophe in their economies when whatever they eliminate will be more than replaced elsewhere?
This, then, brings us to the final piece of the global warming con – what role do the Green New Deal and related decarbonization programs play?..

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