From Joyce Bowen (link to full article below)

These are things every American citizen (and the rest of especially NZ! Martin) should know that are not being taught in our schools to our children. These are things citizens around the world should know. Yuri Bezmenov strives to teach us our civic responsibilities from beyond the grave.
It’s no longer true that any of this is a Soviet plot. A small group of powerful, wealthy people have subverted most governments and convinced those we have elected to betray our laws.
It’s been a frustrating, hair-pulling, screaming-out-loud 3+ years. People are unable to see what’s going on right under their noses.
Better still—they tend to make it my fault—it’s my fault I even think something is terribly wrong.
I write article after article after article after article, showing proof after proof after proof after proof; but there is something so terribly wrong with the human psyche no one seems to ‘get’ it.
I don’t need anyone to help me—I can help myself—I’m trying to help you do the same. Time is running out and there’s no guarantee anything can be turned around now.
I’ve taken incredible risks. I’ve talked to dangerous people. I’ve put my life on the line for you and you and you.

Mind you now—I’m not left or right. I’m smack down the middle. I’ve always been an Independent voter. I’m appalled at how one side or the other always seems to think their right about EVERYTHING.
That said—I voted for the dastardly Obama twice. When I saw how he had screwed us in looking at his Trans Pacific Partnership, I was appalled. Some links to those documents are in the article below.

An Incorporated World 2020
There’s so much bad stuff coming down the road and ya’ll are the reason it’s coming. Banks will be crashed; power grids will fail; food supply lines will be crushed…
There are those talking about living off the grid, but it looks like natural food supplies will be cut off, too. These asses have had many, many decades to plan—centuries if you listen to Yuri.
So who is Yuri Bezmenov? Let’s take a look. If you aren’t going to listen to me, perhaps you’ll listen to him. I’ll let others introduce his work.
Yuri Bezmenov From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is really fascinating stuff if you have the brains for it. Most people don’t. Here’s a full download so you can take your time.
Love letter to America & World Thought Police

Read Joyce Bowen’s full article here: Who is Yuri Bezmenov? An UnAmerican American Hero – ‘This Side of Life’ (
Martin comments: This blog and downloads echo a recent article I posted a while back, and I make no apologies whatsoever for the repetition of information: The Agenda Exposed: Love Letters to America and World Thought Police » Uncensored Publications Limited
The more Useful Idiots we can transform from Woke to Awakened the better!

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