It’s a Small World: Micro tech in the Jabs?

We’ve been aware of this subject and the alleged evidence of micro scale anomalies in the vaccines some time now, but it has taken this superb article from NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science to bring the topic to the Uncensored News site. Keep an open mind. MH

February 8, 2022, NZDSOS

Disclaimer: The following article contains information alleging contamination of COVID-19 vaccines. We have sent this to Government Ministers and Medsafe but they have ignored multiple requests to meet.

Micro-tech? Short version.

There seem to be micro-scale and possibly self-assembling electronic components in the Covid-19 jabs. We have seen pictures of this in the jabs given in New Zealand. This could provide further explanation for the harm already apparent. We have called on the government to stop the rollout immediately and investigate these findings. However, they won’t or can’t. So, we must act, and before who knows what happens next to people. Read the last few paragraphs, then see some of the images.

Micro-tech? Long version.

For some months we have watched with mounting alarm whilst evidence emerged from overseas groups of microscopic-sized gadgets and graphene compounds in all the current C-19 injections. Some awake Kiwis are aware of these scientists already. is a good starter. So it this. Everyone should watch these eminent German pathologists.

This information we received was high quality, of legal standard for court actions and completely consistent with the known state-of-the-art work in interfacing the human brain with technology. Much of this work has been driven by the world’s military, so that battlefield soldiers can assimilate more information, make smarter decisions and coordinate with ever more high-tech ways of killing other people. Tiresome topics like ‘neuro-ethics’ are being rationalised away, a bit like free speech, and binary gender.

Whatever the intent of this added extra, none of the billions vaccinated were ever asked, or gave their consent, to be ‘vaccinated’ with microscopic components, seemingly of an electronic nature. We felt it urgent to confirm if the participants in our country were exposed to this tiny technology, but feared the worst, given the global destinations from the Pfizer factories.

Seeing for ourselves.

We bought a good microscope and had a look at some kindly donated unused vials, warmed to approximately body temperature. Lo and behold, after several hours of a drop drying and warming on a slide, from a possible soup of the very tiny lipid nanoparticles, we started to find geometric shapes appear, perfect right angles, and 3-D, like cut pastry. These objects did not appear organic and certainly not what is found in nature. If the vial contains RNA (made of up sugar, phosphate, carbon and nitrogen), some fat, salt and sugar then what are these man-made appearing microscopic objects?

Nature rarely does straight lines, and these structures looked precision cut, and very similar to images from the overseas expert science groups. Their spectroscopy already had confirmed the presence of graphene, aluminium and other elements not found in nature’s recipe book.

Stupidly, we did not think to confirm “chain of custody” at the time, an essential step the police demand to investigate claims of contamination. It’s gift wrapping the evidence and doing their job for them in our view, but prosecutors absolutely demand it.

We kicked ourselves. There were clues of a possible crime beforehand though: the coup against informed consent and primum non nocere and persecution of ethical doctors; the suppression of early treatments and doctors who tried to use them; the dreadful scale of death and injury flatly ignored by the government; the cruelty and coercion of the mandates; using children ostensibly to shield the elderly; refusing further exemptions for people already wounded by their jabs. Most egregious is the weaponisation of the community against itself by a relentless military-grade psy-op, using cynical media messaging that would make Goebbels proud.

Back to our story, now becoming a bit 007. As we realised the stark truth of probably computerised Comirnaty, we heard of another group in New Zealand doing their own assessments, with more skill, training, and better gear. We visited them, trusted their technique and equipment, and the implications of what they found really shocked us. They recorded what looked like circuit boards, chips, possible antenna arrays and routers and modems. Comirnaty looked less like a medicine and more like an Alibaba electronics catalogue. Videos clearly show glinting, and reflection from flat surfaces, as in shiny metal or glass. There were identical structures repeated often, possibly wiring themselves together, and many tiny circular doughnut shapes that seemed to be the progenitor “egg” from which other structures would form. In one incredible sequence, there is what appears to be an assembly process in real time, possibly of a carbon microtube, with tiny bots seeming to spin the end longer. The Spaniards postulate this may be all be driven by synthetic DNA crystals containing computer code.

To be clear, nano-scale means objects down to billionths of a meter, or millionths of a milimeter. Yes, scanning electron microscopes are required at this scale. Our microscopes observe down to micro-scale. A red blood cell is around 8 microns, or micrometers, in diameter.

The microscope images show structures, shapes, geometry, symmetry and interconnectedness that do not occur in nature, or in other vaccines, as far as we can tell. Previous work has showed contaminants in other vaccines, but not of this nature.

Despite again lacking final proof of chain-of-custody of the samples provided, we had seen the vials and were convinced that this all needed urgent investigation. Back in Wellington, on January 28th we called for an immediate meeting with officials and regulators to talk them through these stunning images. After initial agreement, their lawyers pulled them out with hours to go. Whilst meeting anyway and planning what to do next, one of our team received a text notifying of the death of a 15 year old girl post vaccine. The irony was savage. An hour later we appealed to the Health Select Committee during a livestream, explaining serious health concerns and the regulators avoiding us. No-one rang us to follow up. We have subsequently sent 2 lawyer’s letters asking for a response from Ministers and a final appeal directly to the Medsafe regulator. We have learned that these are being labelled as faked line drawings and they will not investigate further – and frankly maybe they can’t. Pfizer’s contract with the Government is said to include a clause forbidding any testing. This has been outed by whistle-blowers in other countries who have seen the Pfizer contracts.

These findings are so alarming that governments would be hard-pressed to find anyone in their right mind to consent to taking the jab, had they seen the evidence first.

Increasingly, overseas groups are finding the same micro-tech, reporting on the web and sleuthing the meaning. So we are not the first to bring this information to light. The European public, for instance, are waking up.

Remember that Pfizer and Moderna have negotiated the ‘legal’ right to withhold some ingredients. It may be legal, but it is surely not moral. We’ve done our bit trying responsibly to make the regulators and Government aware of this evidence, suggesting as it does further harmful ingredients in this witch’s brew. Maybe this microtech is what is also causing the harm, not just the spike protein, PEG, and untested lipids etc. You will notice how sharp some of the gadget corners are.

The very people who could pull an immediate plug, as the rollout ploughs through our primary schoolers, are lost at sea. So, we are now presenting publicly in the hope that pressure can be brought for a full investigation. Many obvious but very unpleasant questions arise if we accept these images are real. We have to go to the police, with or without chain of custody proof although we are busting a gut to get it. The public are at risk. Some police staff are aware of what we have found and advise that proving CoC will help prevent political interference. Evidential files accepted by London’s Metropolitan police and the International Criminal Court also contain the nano research from overseas, in addition to the evidence already gathered of the scale of death and injuries, and alleged deception and fraud. We are in a position to make sworn statements that can at least get us through the station door, perhaps the one shoulder-barged on behalf of the vaccine injured at New Plymouth last week.

It is not for NZDSOS to surmise what this all represents despite our grave suspicions. It is for us however – versed in clinical sciences, research and lab work, governance, the history of tyranny and control – to ask questions. Here’s one: what on earth will this stuff do inside us? And another: how do the authorities know there is no risk to the public? Can they really afford to ignore us, and just hope that we are wrong and they are right?

Klaus Schwab, of the World Economic Forum, and his ilk have been writing for years in plain sight, of their ‘visions’ for humanity. Their ideas have been endlessly espoused and criticised on the internet. Based on the findings here, and previously from Spain, Argentina, and the UK, we must ask if their musing of uploading human consciousness is an actual smokescreen for a much more sinister downloading, of very high frequency bits and bytes that may take over a person’s thoughts, feelings and behaviour – if not permanently damage the nervous system? It sounds ridiculous, that someone may be made a prisoner in their own body, but it is easy to verify that ‘biohacking’ and brainNet are sharp-edge science. The brain is where most of these injected micro-components will end up by the way, as it is a sponge for blood flow. Around a third of each heartbeat goes straight to the brain.

Your turn to look at the possible micro-tech.

Before viewing the images on the website the Kiwi science team have created, please remember the following:

  1. MOST INJECTED PEOPLE SEEM TO BE FINE, despite this being the most harmful vaccine in modern medical history. We discovered the Government planned for a 1.1% serious injury rate, which seems about ballpark. In our little country of few degrees of separation, most of the other 99% will know of others with a serious adverse event. SO, FURTHER JABS MUST STOP IMMEDIATELY. Quit while you are ahead; do not push your luck by loading up on possible graphene cocktails, particularly since omicron is relatively mild and needs no treatment in most.
  2. The images are highly magnified, up to 4000x – the digital camera can magnify another 4 times over the optical lens system – and, yes, they can look freaky, but the scariest thing is that some people seem to have adulterated the shots on purpose. We have yet to find any evidence that these appearances have occurred before Covid and may only be artefacts. We are open to the remote possibility that this is all a storm in a teacup, a constellation of incredible coincidences. That is our wish, but we have consulted widely amongst science colleagues, and we are out of luck.
  3. If very smart – but very dark, it must be said – people can put this ‘plan’ together, then our brightest and best can figure out what needs to be done about it all. They need the funding, the equipment, the truth about hidden technologies, and to not be killed.
  4. If we do accept the images are real, and do represent a deliberate implantation of secret technology, what else is waiting in the wings? Does the micro-technology become active straight away; is it really just ‘the way the world is going’ to enable peace and prosperity for all; or do all the new fifth generation radio-frequency towers ( many appearing during our first lockdown) and constantly circulating new satellites have more to do than just allow our underwear to talk to our stereo via the Internet of Things? We thought that streaming movies downloaded fast enough already with coal-fired 4G technology, but perhaps now they are to be beamed directly into our heads. Well, we’ll take that remote control back from you Mr Schwab et al, thanks very much.

Sardonic joking aside, it seems to us there is a range of possibilities that would fit the facts as alleged here, most of them a real danger to humanity, if it will still remain as such. It is abundantly clear by now that the real danger in all this is not coming from the unvaccinated.

PLEASE consider this information, despite any instinct to reject it, then make a conscious choice to accept whether we have been lied to, over and over, and on a monstrous scale.

Then please ACT. Demand that your local and national representatives investigate.

Whilst you still can.

We have not had time to catalogue and provide detailed descriptions here, suffice to say these appearances are not normal and we pass on the responsibility to investigating authorities, and inform the public.

See the scientists’ images here. We have sent a few of ours for consideration too.

It’s a Small World: Micro-tech in the Jabs? | NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science (


Researcher puts them under the microscope.

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

14 thoughts on “It’s a Small World: Micro tech in the Jabs?

  1. Ricardo Delgado from La Quinta Columna ( also says:
    The video is entitled Graphene, Microtechnology, and also, now, Morgellons in the Pfizer vaccine. We’re going to explain it a little bit throughout the video, and you’re going to see how that “fiber” responds to human breath. This type of fiber that has been found in face masks at the time.

    1. I have doubts about this myself. What happened to Morgellons and chemtrails? How does one identify a “Morgellon’s” fibre from a simple bit of contamination?
      If you’ve seem the conditions in which those cheap masks are made there could be allsorts of plain old dust and dirt in them!
      “Show me the evidence” I say Marion.

      1. HI Martin, this is the website:, from LaQuintaColumna who has also previous discovered the nanotechnical particals.
        “Ricardo Delgado: This filament you see here is a carbon ribbon. Note the dimensions it has been acquiring. This filament is traditionally known as Morgellon. They’re carbon nanotubes… Micro. Microtube or carbon microtubules.”

        1. Delgado discredits himself straight away with the demonstrably false claim “this filament is traditionally known as Morgellon”. Well, you can read about Morgellon’s disease and Morgellon fibres here:
          No mention of “Carbon nanotubes”. So why is Delgado making such a claim?
          Suddenly, also, we’ve switched from Graphene Oxide to Carbon with the distinction allegedly being that the carbon filaments respond to breath!. The images shows of the alleged Graphene Oxide look nothing like surgical grade Graphene Oxide particles. If these guys claim something is this or that, they need to provide actual evidence that the material being observed is what they claim it is. I would be far happier if Delgado said “I don’t know what we’re looking at here but we’ll get a firm analysis” and present solid data complete with full traceability evidence of the acquired substance.
          Bottom ;line: Anyone can claim something is “morgellons” or “Carbon nanotubes”, but they must PROVE BEYOND DOUBT that this is what it is and that it comes from an untampered vial of vaccine.

  2. And so it continues:
    Just cannot keep up with this warfare anymore. A few of us,being awake, have reduced sleep patterns, while others enjoy siting in cafes & restaurants, pretending “everyhting’s fine,she’s sweet,eh? Yeah right!” Keep your head in the sand..I hate to see their awakening… “Emergency physician, Dr. José Luis Gettor, warned the population about the damage caused by PCR test swabs.
    Just as other researchers have pointed out that the swabs of this test contain graphene oxide —a nanomaterial that causes magnetism in the area and crosses the blood-encephalic barrier—, Dr. Gettor points out that they also contain ethylene oxide.
    Ethylene oxide is toxic too and causes the burning felt by those who take this test.
    Dr. José Luis Gettor, warned the population about the damage caused by PCR test swabs.
    Just as other researchers have pointed out that the swabs of this test contain graphene oxide —a nanomaterial that causes magnetism in the area and crosses the blood-encephalic barrier—, Dr. Gettor points out that they also contain ethylene oxide.
    Ethylene oxide is toxic too and causes the burning felt by those who take this test.”

    Hence do not get your nasalbrain barrier/blood-brain barrier (BBB) damaged.

    My mum’s vacccine no.starts with Comirnaty (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine) followed by letters & numbers.
    A nurse here in NZ said, that the patients here haven’t received the batch numbers of their jab shots anymore since September last year. (please correct me, if this has changed). All vaccines normally are meant to be recorded with dates,names of the doctor/nurse & batch number. So where do you go now? “How bad is my” doesn’t work anymore. So you are left with a blind folded RussianRoulette game.
    1 batch contains of 250.000 viales. 3x so far have been investigated by Mike Yeadon & Dr. Fuellmich’s team. They say, that those, which show an expiry contain more or less more harmful/deadly ingredients than others…it’s called Covid Red.

    1. Keep an open mind on this stuff Marion but make sure it’s a healthily skeptical open mind. I post this material to site with much caution.
      Graphene oxide, even tiny amounts of it, stain clear fluids yellow. I also have grave doubts about the PCR test swabs containing Graphene Oxide for the same reason.
      I have had two PCR tests with no ill effects. I examined the swab before it went down my nasal passage and there was no trace of GO whatsoever.
      Most of the “Russian Roulette” factor in the jab comes from the criminal failure to aspirate the injection. Intravenous injection results in myocarditis and yet aspiration is such a simple procedure.
      A request from myself to the MOH to explain the lack of aspiration has failed to elicit a response.

      1. HI Martin,my description called the “Russian Roulette” means,that you don’t know which kind of batch is inserted into your body as no batch is made the same. It would be too obvious otherwise,if they did so. Hence some people feel fine (so far), some suffer with (severe) side effects right after the first shot. Some will experience side effects after the booster shot.
        ( Greg Reese )
        The 3 batches Yeadon & Fuellmich investigated as well as now, being found in NZ shows clearly material,that has been added deliberately & has no place in a “vaccine”.

        1. The Reese video is very misleading Marion.
          “He didn’t say that they are targeting red states with the vaccines, he said this:
          “If it is mainly the old who are dying after the vaccination, then the higher number of deaths in red states per 100,000 vaccinated indicates that there are more old people per 100,000 being vaccinated in those states.”
          He presents no evidence that there are deliberately tainted batches of vaccines he just shows expiry dates.
          Everything these days, I mean everything, has traceability. Let’s see the traceability and specific batch numbers from the vials matched to the adverse reactions. Lets see vials examined with nanotech or whatever actually confirmed via their traceability codes.
          See comment from Richard regarding proof via chain of custody. What’s to stop someone getting a discarded vial and planting foreign material in there? This has to be a watertight case and clearly it isn’t or heads at Pfizer would be behind bars already.
          The most logical reason why some suffer adverse reactions (clots, myocarditis etc) is due to failure to aspirate the injection resulting in random accidental intravenous injection.
          Years of investigative experience has taught me to be very cautious and very skeptical, Marion. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
          In those countries (such as Japan( where aspiration is practised the adverse reactions are far fewer than the likes of NZ where the MOH still reccomends not aspirating.

          1. Hi Martin,I respect your reply. True. But Pfizer has already been fined for Mill.of $ for fraud years ago & they are still out there today.
            “First science-comment” replied in your video to John: “As a neuroscientist who has worked with rodents for over a decade, I can offer my limited perspective. We are trained and re-trained every few years based on latest research available and have always been taught to aspirate for all injections, regardless of the substance being injected. Injecting any substance into a blood vessel that isn’t supposed to be there is generally not healthy for the organism. Depending on the substance, it can also be quite harmful, e.g if it travels to the brain or other organs in too high of a dose too quickly.”
            After 13min. another person talks to John mentioning “particles” injected into the muscles..etc.etc…& the interview further explanations..What particles? John talks about Covid 19 injections…I don’t think it matters what injections we are talking about. The fact is WHAT is in the injections FULL STOP. And why has Pfizer got the “rights” not to disclaim them for another 75 years? And why is our government not showing the contract to us they are having with Pfizer? And yes, it would & does make it worse where & how it would have been injected into the body.
            Bottom line is,we are all talking about the same genocidal attack. And what you all know as professionals, means, that we need to have all the courage to put it out into the open for everyone to know. Only this way we can learn, understand & find the truth. And action against it.

            1. So we agree there are plenty of questions but few answers. So we agree that leaping to conclusions about what may or may not be in the vaccines isn’t helpful until we have solid evidence.
              Now, now do we get solid evidence?
              Not easy is it?
              We have lots of questions but few answers.
              While we DO know that aspiration reduces the frequency of immediate adverse reactions, I certainly wouldn’t go out and get jabbed with this mRNA shot whether it was aspirated or not because WE AGREE that we don’t know what is in this jab or what the long terms effects might be. We also KNOW that it’s actual protection against the SARS virus is short-lived and of questionable value.
              So question is then: Why are we being “mandated” and coerced into taking it/
              Questions, questions.
              As you say, we “put it out there” (information) and ” learn, understand & find the truth. And action against it.”
              I think we are on the same page.
              All I ask is that we exercise caution and not leap to conclusions before we have the required evidence.

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