MUST WATCH 2016 documentary. Educate yourself on the history behind current events in the Ukraine situation. Some VERY eye-opening revelations.
Especially take note at 46:12 for the talk about then-vice president Joe Biden. And as usual, the involvement of George Soros.
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Martin Harris
I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand.
I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes.
I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events.
Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads.
At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.
3 thoughts on “Roger Stone: Ukraine On Fire”
Just spoke to family members in Germany. I am not sure how many Ukrainian migrants Germany has to take. ( The last wave in 2015-17 from East Europe included 2 Mill, out of those the first 500.000 were all organised criminals. I never felt so uncomfortable in my “own “country by walking in the streets & being on public transport, especially at night…too many stories to tell). But they are guaranteed immediate Hartz IV – or Unemployment benefit II – ( which is a controversial type of long-term welfare assistance, which requires recipients to fulfil a specific set of conditions, like active job hunting or attending education classes – in order to receive a monthly payment and housing assistance.15/09/2021 ) and housing. The housing boom in Germany is just as mad as here in NZ or exqual to Auckland. My mum has to find a new rental at her age of late 70s & gets NO, absolutely NO support from any institution/agency in her own country. If you have no internet or a smart phone you are lost. Ads are up & gone within the hour. Especially in a uni town, even with only 200.000 people where landlords don’t want to take on board older tenants. So their ads are strictly only for students.
So your last chance: a place in a (self-contained) retirement village, waiting time up to 1-1.5 years. Cost depending.
If your minimum retirement pay is ~ Euro 300, it needs to be topped up by the government with further Euros 500-600 as a livable income/month.
The Great reset Marion. Soon you will “own nothing and be happy”. But not if I can do anything about it 😉
So far, this man has had a stellar record for accuracy. There’s no reason to doubt him now. If Trump were still President the Ukraine situation would have played out very differently. There would, I think, have been deals made without war or bloodshed (ie profits for the war-profiteers) and […]
Just spoke to family members in Germany. I am not sure how many Ukrainian migrants Germany has to take. ( The last wave in 2015-17 from East Europe included 2 Mill, out of those the first 500.000 were all organised criminals. I never felt so uncomfortable in my “own “country by walking in the streets & being on public transport, especially at night…too many stories to tell). But they are guaranteed immediate Hartz IV – or Unemployment benefit II – ( which is a controversial type of long-term welfare assistance, which requires recipients to fulfil a specific set of conditions, like active job hunting or attending education classes – in order to receive a monthly payment and housing assistance.15/09/2021 ) and housing. The housing boom in Germany is just as mad as here in NZ or exqual to Auckland. My mum has to find a new rental at her age of late 70s & gets NO, absolutely NO support from any institution/agency in her own country. If you have no internet or a smart phone you are lost. Ads are up & gone within the hour. Especially in a uni town, even with only 200.000 people where landlords don’t want to take on board older tenants. So their ads are strictly only for students.
So your last chance: a place in a (self-contained) retirement village, waiting time up to 1-1.5 years. Cost depending.
If your minimum retirement pay is ~ Euro 300, it needs to be topped up by the government with further Euros 500-600 as a livable income/month.
The Great reset Marion. Soon you will “own nothing and be happy”. But not if I can do anything about it 😉