Talk about transparent! I think we all know what this Bill means without me having to spell it out. here’s the alert from Pam Vernon at EWR:


unvaccinated Survey Bill

Submissions invited from the public by 28th September, not long to go. This of course comes right at the same time as all cause mortality has hit a record high & is clearly causing overload on the system. It will fast track the process and give excessive powers of decision making around that to the coroner. At a time when deaths have increased that would surely be a time to be slowing down the process by employing more staff, not abbreviating such an important task … correctly ascertaining the cause of death no matter how long it takes … a task of providing an avenue of justice to grieving families.

Are we seeing any investigation into these excess deaths?
No… and why not?

All that we are hearing is that this death rate that did not exist before the jab rollout, has nothing to do with the rollout. Pure coincidence. Case closed. These unexplained deaths have even been given a title (for the more gullible to swallow): SADs they are called. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

Does anybody smell a proverbial rat with this? Surely?

RELATED: Suddenly Dead Kiwis – Please Explain

Here is an excerpt from the government website page:

“The Justice Committee has called for public submissions on the Coroners Amendment Bill. The bill seeks to facilitate better access to justice for families interacting with the coronial system by making amendments to the Coroners Act 2006. The bill aims to reduce the distress caused to grieving families by reducing the time spent waiting for coronial findings.

The bill would amend the Act by:

  • establishing a new position of a coronial associate, which could undertake many of the more straightforward functions, powers, and duties currently performed or exercised by coroners
  • making it clear that coroners could record a cause of death as “unascertained natural causes” if they considered that the death was from natural causes and no further investigation was required under the Act
  • enabling coroners to decide whether a coronial inquiry should include an inquest
  • enabling coroners to issue written findings stating only the cause of death, and not the circumstances, if they considered that there was no public interest in making findings about the broader circumstances.

The bill would amend the Act by:

  • establishing a new position of a coronial associate, which could undertake many of the more straightforward functions, powers, and duties currently performed or exercised by coroners
  • making it clear that coroners could record a cause of death as “unascertained natural causes” if they considered that the death was from natural causes and no further investigation was required under the Act
  • enabling coroners to decide whether a coronial inquiry should include an inquest
  • enabling coroners to issue written findings stating only the cause of death, and not the circumstances, if they considered that there was no public interest in making findings about the broader circumstances.

Consider making a submission about this, albeit late in the piece. I do honestly suspect though that your opinion will not feature too greatly in the decision making of those who are running this corporation. They’ve not been listening for a good while now.

RELATED: Utah’s Chief Medical Examiner says proving vaccine injury as a cause of death almost never happens

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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