This is an excellent rebuttal to the “there is no virus” people who the author contends are a real drag on the Health Freedom movement.
Jeremy R Hammond, in my humble opinion is totally honest, and a damn good writer/researcher. One of the best.
His logic is impeccable, his patience has apparently run out.
– Jon Eisen

Hi jonathan, |
After the authoritarian lockdown measures were implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, I observed two broad strategies adopted by various factions within the health freedom movement for how to confront the existential medical tyranny. The first strategy I saw being used to was to try to shift public opinion away from support for or acquiescence to this authoritarianism by demonstrating how the claims being made to justify these extreme policies were demonstrably false. This was the camp that I fell into. For example, we pointed out that, far from being “the science”, these measures were undertaken despite decades of research into pandemic preparedness concluding that the effectiveness of such measures are unsupported by scientific evidence. The second strategy I saw being used was to lazily claim that none of these measures make any sense because viruses do not exist. The people adopting this latter approach contributed nothing in the way of helping to produce effective arguments to get our message of freedom through to the masses of people who had been deceived by the government propaganda and either cheered the authoritarianism or felt conflicted about whether such extreme responses were justified. While we were busy informing the public, for example, that the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 induced by mRNA COVID-19 vaccines is potentially pathogenic and toxic, which explains the nature of observed adverse events including myocarditis, they were busy communicating the message that the vaccines couldn’t possibly cause human cells to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein since SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist. While we were busy informing the public about the importance of host factors in the pathogenesis of disease and the importance of healthy lifestyle choices, including maintenance of vitamin D sufficiency, to reduce the risk of severe COVID-19, they were busy communicating the message that there is nothing you can do to support your immune system’s defenses against SARS-CoV-2 since SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist. They have been a drag on the movement, holding us back from where we need to be. In case any of my own readers were wondering, that is why I have taken time to logically dismantle the foundations of their belief system by systematically and thoroughly demonstrating the factual and logical errors of their arguments. I have a vision of a world in which we are all able to make our own informed choices about our own health, or our children’s health, free from any kind of coercion. The virus deniers are simply standing in the way of that goal. As one of my readers alerted me in the comments on my latest article, in which I once again demonstrate the false claims and mischaracterizations of sources coming from Tom Cowan, one of the leading propagators of the claim that viruses do not exist, someone Bill Huston published a Substack article attacking me for having published my article. In it, I noted that Tom Cowan had falsely claimed that I called him “a cancer” in the health freedom movement. I published the full context of my statement, showing how I had not done so. Huston does not even attempt to identify any factual or logical errors in any of my arguments in any of the content I have published on the topic of virus denialism. Instead, he calls me names, makes up lies about me (including absurdly lying that I “admit” in my article that did engage in name-calling against Cowan), and even goes so far as to propose the lunatic conspiracy theory that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and I are in collaboration to push Big Pharma’s agenda. My first reaction to this mindless rubbish was that it wasn’t worth my time to respond to. But then I realized that Huston’s article provided a perfect illustration of what I had meant when I said that there is a cancer within the health freedom movement. The irony was too rich not to make a public demonstration out of it. Also, Huston made false claims requiring me to set the record straight about my relationship with Bobby Kennedy and Children’s Health Defense (CHD). Therefore, I have published an update to my article in which I address Huston’s attacks on me and CHD. Here is the concluding paragraph: “In conclusion, Huston’s vain attack on me perfectly illustrates what I meant about there being a cancer in the health freedom movement. Such cultish behavior, hateful divisiveness, and intellectual dishonesty truly have no place in our efforts to combat the system of medical authoritarianism.” |
Jeremy R Hammond |
Read my article illuminating the cancer in the freedom movement.
(click heading to open link)
Martin comments: Wittingly or not, I believe the virus deniers act as the perfect ammunition for detractors of the freedom movement. Perfect case in point is when a couple of my workmates (my other job, not this one!) cornered me and asked why I don’t believe viruses exist. I retorted that I certainly do believe viruses exist. “How can that be the case when you spend your weekends marching with all those anti-vaxxers?” they responded. I sighed and calmly and slowly explained “I don’t personally know anyone with the pro-freedom of choice movement who deny the existence of viruses, but I am aware there are a few around. You should not take what you hear in the media at face value”. Then from left-of centre came “Do you believe the world is flat?” and a few chuckles from the sidelines. The last time I had a conversation end on that note was an argument about Climate Change. The implication of course being that climate sceptics can be lumped in with the FE brigade.
People are free to believe what they want, and we’ll fight to preserve that freedom, even when we don’t agree with the ideology, but when the beliefs of a few drag down the cause of the many, it can be very frustrating.

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