Interesting how rapidly they made a U-Turn and portray the Ukraine military as heroes, is it not?
Here’s Time Magazine, a mere two years ago:
Here’s the almighty BBC 8 years back:
Aug 9, 2022
CBS aired this documentary about U.S. weapons getting lost in the Ukraine a few days ago, and then removed it, because the Biden government didn’t agree with it, or something. Since it’s no longer available at CBS, we are re-uploading it here. (Who knows how long it will be allowed to stay.) According to the documentary, less than 30% of the weapons arrive at their destination. But the rest?
Martin comments: There was a nasty terrorist event that happened it Christchurch back in 2017. No it wasn’t a false flag with crisis actors. You know the event I’m talking about. The perpetrator spent a bit of time in Ukraine. What he was doing there isn’t mentioned. Except in a document, which we aren’t allowed to access. That’s all I’ll say for now…

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