Petition update from Aly Cook. If you haven’t signed, NOW is the time!

Hi Everyone
Just an update and a plea for one more share out there of my petition .
Firstly the 3000 signatures that disappeared .
NZ petitions never put them back; they claimed that they were people signing it twice even though their is an IT rule on the petition that prevents the count going up when someone signs it twice . Anyway we have gained those signatures back and added some now at 21333 signatures as I write . It is the largest petition on the NZ petitions site open for signing by far
Petition of Aly Cook: A Royal Commission of Inquiry into the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccines (
A businessman who I don’t know approached Simeon Brown and David Seymour to present the petition. (Unfortunately I need a sitting MP ot present it ) David Seymour’s office has responded at first very keen to do it but then I asked that a/ He share it with his database and b/ he do an official petition hand over on the steps of parliament much as we did with Chris Penk in the ‘Silent No More Doco’ His office is currently considering my request . The Sitting MP doesn’t have to agree wth the petition to present it to the house but I loath for anyone to use my petition as a political brownie points exersize esp anyone currently in the building. Petitions NZ have tried to say my petition is similar to current Royal Commission of Inquiry into the covid response, however they fell on their own sword as omitted ‘Vaccine Efficacy’ any Clinical findings from their terms of reference of that inquiry.
So anyway wth 3 days left I ask that you all give it one more big share out
Ask people to share it with their ‘wobbly middle’ friends
Thanks to all of you who have shared
As many of you will know I have done this for my son who now has Chronic Myocarditis & Pericarditis from one shot of the vaccine (as diagnosed by his Dr) over a year later with many hospital visits. He continues to live on anti inflammatories to just function, I also do this for the many thousands of others like him, whose lives have been irreparably damaged by this vaccine and those like Rory Nairn who have lost their lives to the vaccine.
For these members of the ‘Team of 5 Million’ who got injured they only see the backs of the team as they run away down the field.
Thank you all for your support. You are true team members.
Kindest Regards
Aly Cook
Promoter, Publicist & Tour Manager
NZ Highwaymen Tour 2023

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Every Royal Commission of Inquiry in NZ was conducted by a Freemason or their wife.
The Public can conduct their own commission and requires no permission of any authority to do so.
Because of the path of obligation of a Master Mason we cannot take any royal commission of inquiry in NZ seriously. All they do is cover-up Freemason crimes and exonerate their own.
It was why the Erebus Inquiry was a litany of lies.
Why we still don’t know the real truth about 50 Muslims shot dead by the SIS in NZ.
A Royal commission of Inquiry is no guarantee or truth, perhaps it is the opposite. In previous commissions of Inquiry they simply left the damning evidence “outside of the terms of their reference.”
This allowed them to exonerate their own, because they had refused to look at the actual criminal parts.
The NZ health system is run by Freemasons. They get offered investments in shares in VANGUARD, which owns the biggest percentage of shares in all the pharmaceutical corporations who supplied COVID 19 vaccinations.
They pushed the vax to make themselves more wealthy.
Masonic Lodges were places to get vaxxed also you might have noted if you were paying attention.
Ashley Bloomfled is a senior Freemason in NZ.
Simon Power who oversaw the NZ Media-works is a senior Freemason, who also owns one of the few 1080 companies in the world…which is why 1080 will always be pushed in NZ.
The statement about the Christchurch Mosque shooting being the work of the SIS requires some pretty solid evidence Karl. Not a statement I’d be making lightly.
I think there’s a little more to pushing the vax than personal wealth too. There are easier and less hazardous ways to acquire wealth, although it certainly plays a part.
I noted a lot of places acting as pop-up vax clinics Karl. Most of them aren’t Masonic lodges. This week it’s the local Supermarket and sports centre.
Can you tell me Ashley Bloomfield’s ranking and which lodge he attends please? Thanks. I’m unable to verify any info on his Masonic connections.
I do not doubt that there are many Freemasons in high places and that many Freemasons are part of “the plot”, but there are many who aren’t Freemasons and are part of “the plot” too.
I’m no fan of “The Craft” or any old-boys network society, but I’m not convinced we can dispense with anyone who isn’t a Freemason and focus entirely on Freemasonry as the hidden hand. There are many hidden hands of which Masons are one.