Easter Desecration: From the US and China

Easter is all about rebirth and resurrection, new life. A theme constant from the dawn of time. Now China promises resurrection and eternal life via the DNA collected during Covid. Meanwhile the Biden administration co-opts Easter Sunday for “Transgender transparency” whatever that means. Here’s the stories:

China Offers Resurrection and Eternal Life

CNGB published a disturbing educational video that promises resurrection and eternal life while simultaneously claiming that the ‘rise of human beings has speeded up the extermination of species.’

April 1, 2024: The 2020 China-U.S. Economic and Security Congressional Report confirms that China used COVID-19 PCR tests to collect the DNA of millions of Americans and warns of China becoming the leader of the BioRevolution. The Congressional report states that China has been leveraging DNA surveillance, gene editing, synthetic biology, and Ai technologies in order to create more virulent bioweapons. Surprisingly, the report fails to call attention to the China National GeneBank database (CNGBdb) and China’s intentions for humanity…READ THE REST: China Offers Resurrection and Eternal Life (substack.com)

Outrage as Biden proclaims Easter Sunday as ‘Trans Day of Visibility’ and White House BANS children from submitting religious-themed Easter egg designs

President Biden has sparked outrage by declaring this Easter Sunday will also officially become Transgender Day of Visibility.

The White House has sparked outrage by banning children from submitting Easter Egg designs for this year’s Easter Egg Roll with any ‘questionable content,’ including political statements and religious imagery. Image copyright Polaris.

The White House doubled up backlash as it also banned religious imagery in submissions from children of military families taking part in the traditional Easter Egg Roll event, as critics branded the moves an ‘attack on Christianity.’

Former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy led the charge,as he mused‘I wonder how (Biden) came up with that date’ by having Easter Sunday clash with the transgender tribute day.

Republican House SpeakerMike Johnson slammedBiden for ‘betraying the central tenet of Easter’, and said the ‘American people are taking note’ of the ‘outrageous and abhorrent’ tradition-busting moves.

While March 31 has become the official Transgender Day of Visibility, Easter Sunday will not fall on that day again for at least the next decade…READ THE REST: Outrage as Biden proclaims Easter Sunday as ‘Trans Day of Visibility’ – as White House BANS children from submitting religious-themed Easter egg designs at annual event for military families | Daily Mail Online

Martin comments: Regarding the first story, this fits with several other postings we’ve done on the subject of global DNA collecting. See link below.

And as for the second, while it is true that these days “coincidentally” clash this year, it surely can’t be any coincidence that it also happens to be an election year and that the clash of events is bound to inflame Republicans. Biden states he’s a Catholic. Technically he may be, but in practice he’s way too liberal..or at least his puppeteers are. Follow the white rabbit?

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of theCONTrail.com community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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