The Real Joe Biden? See for yourself…

The real Joe Biden, blue-eyed and borderline incoherent, faced off against Trump in a woefully embarrassing live debate. But who was the HAZEL-EYED and fiery character we saw the day after?

This was brought to our attention by Hal Turner here:

Hal Turner Radio Show – FAKE “Joe Biden” Is Back! One Day After Dismal Debate with Trump; FAKE “Joe” Wearing Silicone Mask put on campaign trail

Strangely enough, the Tik Tok images displayed in Turner’s articles appear to have been doctored, and so my first instinct was to dismiss it. But I hesitated and decided to check it out for myself.

Here’s the footage from the rally the day after the debate:

Now here’s the infamous debate the day before:

As Hal turner points out in his article, Biden has blue eyes. His eyes are very clearly blue in the debate, See enlarged screenshot below:

but what color are they at the rally?

They do indeed appear to be hazel!

I took a screenshot and enlarged a close-up.

Checking back through time, Biden’s eye color was even the subject of a “fact check” by Reuters in 2020:

Fact check: Biden’s eyes appeared blue, not black, during debate | Reuters

Could this be an actor in a hyper-realistic mask?

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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