Cook Islands leaders sign a deal with China and Winston Peters claims we were “blindsided”. I’m not buying it. The signs have been there for years and Winnie was around to see them.
Martin Harris 7/2/25
Its 2025, the official year of World War Three, written produced and directed by the usual team of con artists. The plot centers around the US and allies against the CCP and allies. Except sometimes its hard to know who is allied with whom.
If you’ve watched the Star Wars prequels movies you know the rest of the plot.
But “we didn’t see it coming”.

And so we have the Trade Federation …I mean the CCP…making moves on the Pacific islands, specifically the Cook Islands. Current vid on the “bombshell” news:
This comes as no surprise to anyone with half an eye on geopolitics.
LOOK! This is from my YouTube “saved videos” list from SIX YEARS AGO…and Winnie didn’t see it coming?
2018. I seem to recall that this happened around the time a certain Winston Peters was in a coalition government partnership with Jacinda Ardern’s Labour government. And he has been ‘blindsided”?
Now here’s another from my saved video list. More recent. About something overheard by a tourist in Micronesia, specifically Kosrae, in 2023. 2 years ago. And this is the vid you REALLY want to watch. This guy understands the seriousness of the situation and explains it very well indeed:
No, Kosrae isn’t part of the Cook Islands. Its “just around the corner” geographically speaking. And a part of the overall strategy. As the presenter above aptly demonstrates.
“This is not just about a specific island, this is about control of the entire ocean”

Surely, our allegedly smart and well-informed leaders who share intelligence with each other and have entire agencies devoted to watching for stuff like this…nah…wait… Trump just basically fired the whole CIA staff (who were probably DEI hires) and there’s a good reason for that.
It isn’t that “we didn’t see this coming”. Its that we “turned a blind eye”. It wasn’t time yet.
Chances are it was all orchestrated to happen this way and at this time.
2025. It’s time.
Act as surprised as you like Mr. Peters. It’s all in the script.
So what comes next? You should re-watch those Star Wars prequel films. a peaceful little backwater world. A blockade over a “trade dispute”. A bunch of innocent-looking freight ships. And a secret drone army hidden within. An invasion force.
China’s Robots have Shocked the world! – America Lost!
And the whole thing is theatre, orchestrated by a smart politician who doesn’t play by the same rules as everyone else. A man who will head the New Order and make himself emperor. Any guesses?
What do you think? CCP invasion fleet on the way? Trump a mastermind villain, a mastermind hero? or simply a maverick president with a flair for showmanship?

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