[youtube]6BdcF1ykCrE[/youtube] The first session of the Japanese Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee features Mr. Yukihisa Fujita exposing the military treason of the U.S. government in the events of Sept. 11, 2001 and the insider trading on the stock market. [youtube]0P3mhLDm6_Q[/youtube]


[ who saw -that- coming ? ] [youtube]AMMkKu1H__s[/youtube] Transcript PAUL JAY, SENIOR EDITOR, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network. I’m Paul Jay in Washington. In Colombia, the new president, Juan Manuel Santos, has done something that seems quite unexpected: he made peace with Venezuela. In fact, he ran much […]

Tucked into this massive Army report on suicide is an interesting fact: Since 2004, the number of soldiers going AWOL, deserting, and “missing movement” – that is failing to deploy when they’re supposed to – has gone up a shocking 234 percent. Read the rest here

[youtube]QQoBAc95tnw[/youtube] One of the most important speeches in American history …and one you never heard in school or on TV. Video: https://www.brasschecktv.com/page/624.html If you know your history, you know that in 1934 there was an attempted coup in the United States that was thwarted largely due to the efforts of […]
