[ Too good to stay in the comments section The amount of systemic blood on Hannity’s hands  is just unbelieveable h / t :  Monmouth ] One retired college professor outfoxes two controlled media talking heads Another college professor in the line of fire, doing quite well against the Hannity […]

( music break ) from tomandandy, Bret Easton Ellis,  and one of the creative brains behind ‘Pulp Fiction’ comes one of the hardest montages ever montaged. [ this is what an American O.E. looks like – R-18 Rating please so don’t click if you aren’t  ] [youtube]QVaSCBzTCIE[/youtube]


The American and British populations are comfortably cushioned from reality by the controlled media which censors news and images of the horrendous humanitarian catastrophe that has befallen the Iraqi people as a result of the Anglo-American war of aggression against the oil-rich nation, a military crusade now in its 20th year. The recent Dutch judicial report from The Hague […]

By John Pilger In Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell described a superstate called Oceania, whose language of war inverted lies that “passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past’, ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past’.” Barack Obama is the leader of […]


The Danske and Pensioner Bank (PKA) have decided to withdraw all investments from two Israeli companies, Elbit and Magal Security Systems, for their role in constructing the annexation wall in the occupied West Bank. The decision came after human rights groups and boycott campaigns declared the wall to be in […]
