Elizabeth Warren discusses how the dreams of the middle class american family are being depleted by the dramatic increase in bankruptcies and foreclosures. Warren discusses the role that credit card companies and ballooning interests rates have played in rapidly increasing mortgage rates as well as the how the over consumption […]


Friends & Colleagues  This is the concluding commentary in a trio that I written over the past week on “kill lists,” drones, etc. It will appear in tomorrow’s Huffington Post.  Comments welcomed.  Michael Brenner mbren@pitt.edu   Assassination of American citizens by presidential dictate, blanket suspension of habeas corpus indefinitely, massive […]

In one of the best ’80s episodes of CNN’s Crossfire, we get a good picture of two ways to argue. What appears to start as an open forum about whether the government should censor music turns into three conservatives attacking a fourth conservative – the late Frank Zappa. Multiple times, they […]


Why doesn’t our “environmental” political party acknowledge the insidious power of the greatest threat to our climate stability: Chemtrails (aka “geoengineering”)? Why have they chosen to build an entire movement around demonizing carbon dioxide? Is it because they are “gatekeepers” and see their role as one of deflecting the attention […]
