This is an absolutely astonishing technological development, which brings an entirely new dimension to astonishing developments. – Ed.


Truth is every man, woman, & child in the whole world could have about 1 acre of land to themselves & it would all fit into a land mass the size of North America, with the rest of the world completely unoccupied. Video : [youtube]HsAracLBCxI[/youtube]


[youtube]8dNT414b5GM[/youtube] [ The rest of the show is available by clicking the little poohtube logo lower screen right Subtitles are in Portuguese – so send it to someone you like in Portugal ]

[ … so best batten down the hatches and prepare for another sick-making tsunami of ‘Palestinians Do It To Themselves’ crap on the – forced down the throats and into the eyes and brains of people who watch western media (and nothing else). No real help – when it comes […]

A full-scale invasion of Africa is under way. The United States is deploying troops in 35 African countries, beginning with Libya, Sudan, Algeria and Niger. Reported by Associated Press on Christmas Day, this was missing from most Anglo-American media. The invasion has almost nothing to do with “Islamism”, and almost […]
