President Obama and Democratic “leadership” expanded policies of President Bush and Republican “leadership” in unlawful wars and looting of literal trillions of the 99%’s wealth to a 1% oligarchy. This is Orwellian-opposite of Obama’s campaign rhetoric for “hope, change,” and accelerated from usual war-business and rigged-casino economics throughout US history. […]


As NATO’s proxy terrorists collapse in both Damascus and Aleppo, Israel and Turkey prepare impending attack. Hysterical propaganda has increasingly amplified since early Monday when the Syrian government’s Foreign Minister Jihad Makdissi insisted that if Syria had any unconventional weapons, they would be under strict security and only used against […]


The Four Horsemen is an independent documentary scheduled to be released later this Fall. Featuring: Noam Chomsky, Max Keiser, Joseph Stiglitz, Prof. Herman Daly, Dr. Ha-Joon Chang, Simon Johnson, Michael Hudson, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, John Perkins, Tarek Al Diwany, Camila Batmanghelidjh, James Turk, David Morgan, Hugo Salinas Price. Here’s one […]


Israel plans to demolish eight villages in the West Bank to use the land for Israeli army training grounds, the Israeli daily Haaretz reported Monday. Israel’s High Court of Justice heard Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s demolition plans on Sunday. Residents of the south Hebron villages will be allowed to […]
