Any group of human beings who are supposedly in a free society and who have a leader (or a council of people who lead), assigned by that group to make decisions for the common interests of the group, must rely on their own “self-regulation,” above and beyond the leaders’ government, […]

Individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 and were treated with ivermectin recovered quicker than those who didn’t. 60% reduction in hospitalization and death. Hospitals murdered COVID patients. The more they killed, the more money they made. And while they were doing so, the propagandists told you ivermectin was a “dangerous horse dewormer.” Well, it […]


The supreme aim of the far right duo National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich is not the occupation of the Gaza Strip. Ehud OlmertHaaretzThu, 22 Feb 2024 © Eliyahu Hershkovitz Israeli ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir Even settlement throughout the devastated Strip is not the […]

When Tucker Carlson asked if Congress would be stupid enough to pass a law granting citizenship to illegal aliens who enlist in the military, Douglas Macgregor answered, “YES.” By Vigilant Fox (link below) “The donors own the political figure.” “The problem is Washington is donor-occupied. Donor occupied. The donors own the political […]

Bombshell report from UK mainstream media. The truth IS coming out. “Just following orders” is now a familiar call as a generation suffers the psychological damage of lockdowns. MH Did scientists self-censor during Covid? Lockdown critics ‘had considerable tacit support but many stayed silent amid fears it could damage their […]
