Amazing that the NZ government, so anti-gun and anti Far-Right, particularly after the Christchurch mosque shootings which led to a ban on AR weapons in NZ, are now intending to provide weapons funding to Ukraine. Watch these videos and you’ll understand the hypocrisy in this decision. Note that these presentations […]

Hindsight has finally arrived, and while still very murky, the fog of Covid is beginning to clear. Etana Hechtetana.substack.comSun, 10 Apr 2022 As a flood of Pfizer documents is released from the FDA, we’ll learn in more detail how 2021 unfolded, who knew what when, and how harmful the vaccines […]

South Front – Bitchute April 11, 2022 Source Or View on YouTube If you want to support SouthFront by donations or financing please contact us via See Also: Bought and paid for: How the neo-Nazi Ukrainian nationalist movement was nurtured by the CIA post-WWII » Uncensored Publications Limited

Veteran protestors and activists will already know this, but for those who still question the validity of Civil Disobedience. This is why thousands marched maskless and un-distanced through the anti-Covid-mandate protests. Excellent presentation! Academy of Ideas 1.34M subscribers Access 45+ membership videos (more added each month) ► **Join via […]

“is the United States and possibly NATO involved in the funding, training and political support of neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine and if so, for what purpose?” Cynthia ChungThrough a Glass DarklyWed, 06 Apr 2022 In part 1 of this series Fact Checking the Fact Checkers, the question was posed “why does […]

 – Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix by Caitlin Johnson via ❖ The most powerful empire that has ever existed, which is circling the planet with hundreds of military bases and continuously works to destroy any nation who challenges its global dominion, claims that it is in […]
