Even in spite of the evidence that masks don’t work, and in spite of the evidence that Covid is now a pandemic of the vaccinated, lunatic Michael Baker is just pushing the mask-and-jab message with evangelistic zeal. here’s NZDSOS with more…MH New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science nzdsos.com Image […]

A Canadian journalist who advocated putting people who refused to get vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), into CONCENTRATION CAMPS has died suddenly at the young age of 33, with obituaries being guarded about broadcasting his cause of death. Arsenio Toledo – Natural News Dec 17, 2023 Ian Vandaelle, a former reporter and […]

The following abstract is from a paper published Nov. 2023 that has been conveniently ignored by the MSM as the ice mass gain evidence is somewhat unpalatable to The Narrative. Please kindly share this data with your climate-alarmist friends, would you? MH Wei WangResearch Gate Abstract and Figures The Antarctic […]

The United States’ proxy war in Ukraine against Russia has cost the lives of up to 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers. In the last six months alone, it is estimated that over 120,000 Ukrainian troops have been killed in a failed counteroffensive. Strategic Culture FoundationSat, 16 Dec 2023 © Strategic Culture Foundation Even […]
