As the 2030 Agenda New World Order rapidly progresses, Auto giant General Motors has announced a restructure to focus on electric cars and autonomous vehicles. by Martin Harris 27/11/18 While this author has made his criticisms of the EV propaganda and underlying “conspiracy” known, I’m more concerned here with the […]
These conventional science bloggers are really something. They’ve never met a published study extolling mainstream science they haven’t loved. I don’t know, maybe the studies somehow remind them of mommy and her warm basement where they still live at age 40 and do their important work. by Jon Rappoport November […]
“A new, if unclear, path” reports the Washington Post. Therein lies the problem. Surely before embarking on a direction, one has a plan? What’s the deal? Or perhaps there’s a “plan” that isn’t being shared with us. In which case it is a conspiracy. Perhaps the “plan” (or conspiracy) depends […]
Faustian bargain [(fow-stee-uhn)] Faust, in the legend, traded his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge. To “strike a Faustian bargain” is to be willing to sacrifice anything to satisfy a limitless desire for knowledge or power. Source by Martin Harris Watch this four minute Superman clip carefully! This […]
Please share this as widely as possible and inform all who have been misinformed! On November 1, AFP joined news outlets around the world in covering the release of a major academic paper warning that our oceans were warming dramatically quicker than previously thought. The study was undertaken by some […]
Dark and disturbing but informative and enlightening. Thanks to Rob and Ben at Edge Of Wonder. Please subscribe to their channel to see Part Two. Edge of Wonder Satanic Ritual Abuse – today on Edge of Wonder we lift the veil on a hidden topic that no one dares […]
A barbed-wire fence stretched off far to either side. A Union flag twisted in a gust of wind, and soldiers strode in and out of a squat guard’s hut in the middle of the road. Through the hut, and under a row of floodlights, I walked towards a long line […]
Friends, although I call myself an EMF consultant, I never claim to be an expert. I have a good grasp on basic assessment and remediation and help people all over the world. But again, I never call myself an exert, and I am not fond of retaining lots of facts […]
There has always been recreational drug use, and always will be, whether legal or not. And as there’s always going to be those who abuse recreational drugs, the social cost will always outweigh the financial gains. The real question is, who should get the profit? By Martin Harris Drug use […]
El-ohim. El-ite. Isra-El… Who is “El”? By Martin Harris This blog continues from: While most translations regard El as “God”, there is considerable debate as to whether El and YHWH are one and the same. Much confusion arises from the fact that the text of Genesis is composed […]